    毕业论文关键词 体验营销 墨迹天气 手机应用 移动互联网产品 体验营销设计
    Title Mobile applications "Moji weather" product experience Implementation Mode of Marketing
    In today's market, product differentiation is becoming more low, more and more intense
    competition between products. Good product experience is to get the user's basic conditions.
    Experience in this case the implementation of marketing, product perception to the user
    experience more and more important. "Ink weather" as a tool for applications in many
    competitors stand out, must have its unique, this task on the "ink weather" Product experiential
    marketing implementation model to explore the hope for the future marketing of the product
    experience Embodiment Mode reference. This paper is pided into five chapters. The first
    chapter is the introduction, mainly introduces the background, methods and significance of this
    study; The second chapter is literature review, and summarized a number of documents relevant
    studies, extracted some important concepts and methods; third chapter of mobile phone users
    experiential marketing, implemented in ink weather-aware applications, mainly from the user's
    perspective on the experience of mobile application ink weather marketing perception; Chapter
    Four mobile application ink weather experiential marketing implementation process, from the
    marketing classic "4p" theory perspectives on "Ink weather" experience marketing design and
    form, the implementation process. The fifth chapter problems mobile application experience
    marketing implementation mode for mobile applications by ink weather research, some of the
    issues this mobile application experience marketing implementation model and summarized
    appeared and put forward some ideas.
    Keywords Experiential Marketing Moji weather mobile applications
    mobile Internet product marketing experience design
    目 次
    1 绪论.... 1
    1.1 研究背景... 1
    1.1.1 体验营销简介. 1
    1.1.2 移动互联网的发展. 2
    1.2 本文研究的主要内容和方法. 2
    1.2.1 课题研究的具体问题.. 2
    1.2.2 课题的研究方法 2
    1.3 本文研究的目的和意义.... 3
    2.文献综述... 4
    2.1 营销的含义.... 4
    2.2 体验营销... 4
    2.2.1 体验营销要以互动为基础.... 4
    2.2.2 体验营销的体验形式.. 4
    2.3 对互联网产品的理解... 5
    2.3.1 产品的定义... 5
    2.3.2 互联网产品体验式营销实施模式要素.... 5
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