    摘要财务共享服务中心作为一种新型的企业财务管理模式,在提公司高财务管理效率、降低公司运作成本以及提升企业核心竞争水平等方面的成效明显。随着中国企业的跨国化趋势和信息技术的不断发展,中国的跨国企业引入财务共享服务模式已渐渐成为一种趋势。但是由于我国企业引入该模式较晚,因此在实际运用过程中与外国先进企业相比还存在很大的差距。财务共享服务模式的合理性的确认是其在中国范围内得到更广泛推广的必然要求和重要前提,这种新型的财务管理模式从理论到实践应用的过程中是否真的可以对企业的绩效产生积极的影响,这种影响又具有怎样的特点,以及我国企业如何结合自身实际情况合理运用该模式也成为了具有现实意义的研究课题。本文采用规范研究与案例分析相结合的方法,以辉瑞公司亚太区四个分公司的财务数据为样本,对其建立财务共享服务中心前后的财务绩效进行实证分析,肯定了财务共享服务模式对企业财务绩效方面的正向、积极影响。在充分考虑我国企业的实际情况之后,进而提出了我国企业应当如何实施财务共享服务中心的相关建议,以期为我国其他企业提供经验和借鉴。 26003
    毕业论文关键词  财务共享服务 辉瑞集团 公司绩效 实证研究
    Title   Research on Multinational Company Financial Shared Services  Based on Reasonability of Company Financial Shared Services              
    Since now, financial shared-service in China has been applied for few years in a small
    number of enterprises, of which most are foreign-invested  or joint enterprise. With the
    transnational trend of Chinese enterprises and the development of information technology,
    Chinese transnational enterprises gradually tend to introduce financial shared-service model.
    Therefore, it becomes a prerequisite for a wider application of this new management model to
    prove its reasonableness. Taking five-year financial statistics of four branch companies
    belonging to the Asian-Pacific region of the Pfizer Inc. as samples, an empirical research was
    performed on the basis of Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test and Panel Data Analyze in order to
    compare the financial performance before and after the application of financial shared-service.
    Besides, through interviews, investigation and rational analyze, non-financial performance of
    financial shared-service was affirmed to have a positive effect on the performance of enterprise.
    In full consideration of the realistic situation of Chinese companies, the application and
    popularization of financial shared-service in China was put up with.  In the end, the future of
    financial shared-service was predicted.
    Keywords:   Finance Shared Service (FSS); Pfizer; Company Performance; Empirical Study
    目   次 
    1 引言     1
    1.1 研究背景  2
    1.2 研究目的与意义 „ 2
    1.3 研究思路与方法 „ 2
    2 文献综述 4
    3 财务共享服务模式对企业积极影响的机理探究„ 6
    3.1 财务共享服务模式与传统财务管理模式比较„ 6
    3.2 财务共享服务的理论基础 „7
    3.3 财务共享服务的职能及共享组织模式分析 10
    4 财务共享服务模式对企业财务绩效的影响 „12
    4.1 辉瑞财务共享中心的运营现状 „12
    4.2 以辉瑞亚太财务共享服务中心为例的实证分析 13
    4.3 研究结论 18
    5 财务共享服务模式对企业非财务绩效的影响  „19
    6 财务共享服务模式在中国的应用 „22
    6.1 中国引入GFSS的必要性与优越性 „22
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