    毕业论文关键词:  乡镇政府、农村公共服务、垄断与竞争
    The Research on Township Governments Public Service Supply Capacity
       Abstract: Public service emphasizes government service based on cooperation. It and service government is the core idea of the public administration and government reform in twenty-first Century. 2015, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the State Council issued the about increasing the intensity of reform and innovation to speed up the construction of agricultural modernization opinions clearly pointed out to enhance the level of public service, But township government in the bottom of the government system due to historical reasons, lack of service consciousness, shortage of financial resources and other factors, in the supply of basic public service exists offside, dislocation, vacancy phenomenon, which causes the grass-roots public service supply are poor quality and low efficiency. The rapid development of social economy and the improvement of people quality of life, rural residents not only increased the demand for public services, but also more perse demand. however, the main body of the rural public service is relatively single and lack the competition, it can not meet the demand of the supply, which is not conducive to the common development of the whole society .So the construction led by the government, private sector, universities and the third sector, the rural community around the network structure, contribute to the supply of public services in rural areas to non monopoly in the direction of evolution, improve the quality and efficiency of the supply of public services, and the change of the situation of the shortage of the supply of public services in rural areas.
    Key words:  Township Governments, Public Service, Supply Capacity

    一、乡镇政府公共服务供给能力存在问题    1
    (一)乡镇政府公共服务供给能力低    1
    (二)公共服务供给结构失衡    2
    (三)农村公共服务供给效率不高    2
    (四)乡镇政府公共服务供给能力区域不平衡    2
    二、乡镇政府公共服务供给能力的制约因素    2
    (一)乡镇政府公共服务意识薄弱    3
    (二)乡镇政府职能定位模糊不清    3
     (三) 财权与事权不对等    3
    (四)缺乏有效的公共绩效评估制度    4
    (五)农村公共服务供给主体单一    4
    三、提高乡镇政府公共服务供给能力的措施    4
    (一)强化公共服务的思想    5
    (二)规范公共服务供给职能    5
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