    毕业论文关键词:O2O模式 大学生  餐饮外卖 线上订餐
    Research on Behavior and Satisfaction of Xuzhou City Undergraduates Online ordering
    Abstract: With the rapid development of economy and the rapid popularization of Internet, more and more people would like to enjoy convenient and enjoyable life. As a result, a new order model which you just need to make an order through the network and pay online, and then you just need to stay at home quietly to wait for delicious food appears. This new model is called catering takeout O2O model. Although there have been scholars who have carried out research on catering takeout O2O model at present. There are less relatively research about diners’ order behaviors, preferences and satisfaction for online order platforms and restaurants. This text reviews the existing catering takeout O2O model on the basis of related concept definition of the O2O model. Then I adopt questionnaire survey in allusion to the market of colleges and universities which is one of the fine-sorted markets of catering takeout O2O with choosing internal students in Jiangsu normal university as a sample to conduct scientific survey research on students in colleges and universities which is a specific consumer group which focuses on order behaviors, preferences, the evaluations, satisfaction, expectation and others to catering takeout O2O platform and other catering merchants in “Hungry”, “Mei Tuan takeout” and other catering takeout platform, and I mainly take use of SPSS software to conduct statistics and analysis of questionnaire’s data. At last, according to the conclusions which are reached from data analysis software, I specifically come up with a series of measures and advice for online order platforms and restaurants to promote the satisfaction of students in colleges and universities which is a specific consumer group and the development of catering takeout O2O market.
    Key Words:O2O mode   college students   catering takeout   online ordering
    一、绪论    1
    (一)研究背景    1
    (二)研究目的与意义    3
    (三)研究思路与方法    3
    二、相关文献综述    4
    (一)基本概念    4
    (二)国内外研究现状    5
    (三)研究述评    7
    三、徐州市大学生线上订餐行为及满意度研究设计与实施    8
    (一)问卷设计    8
    (二)调查实施    10
    四、徐州市大学生线上订餐行为及满意度研究结果与分析    11
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