    关键词  认知记忆;情感反应;冲动性购买意愿
    Title   The research on the influence of cognitive memory on the  formation of the willingness of impulsive shopping online
    In recent years, due to its convenience and economy, online shopping has developed fast. Many consumers enjoy shopping online. Impulse buying is a phenomenon that has received attention from researchers in psychology, economics and sociology. But these studies have been mostly studied in an offline setting. With the development of E-business, it’s necessary to research online irrational buying behavior.
        Based on summary of previous studies, combined the features of network shopping environment, this paper proposes a model base on the influence of cognitive memory on the online impulse buying. Taking the time distance, the repetition degree, the overall impression and the past experience as variables, the emotion response as the medium to explore its influence on online impulse buying intention.
        Using SPSS, we analyze the data with path analysis, variance analysis, independent sample t test. Finally we got the results as follows. Four external stimuli influence positively the emotion response. And the degree of emotional response to consumers from the big to the next in turn for the overall impression, the time distance, the past experience, the repetition degree. Consumer emotion response influences directly the impulse buying intention. Gender differences in the consumer impulse buying behavior are different, which female consumers is more likely to occur online impulse buying behavior, and different ages of consumers online impulse buying behavior does not exist significant differences. Male consumers prefer digital products, while female consumers will look at the cosmetics.
        At last, according conclusions of this study, we propose several suggestions to guide online retailers in their operations. Limitation of this study and future research directions are also discussed.
    Keywords  cognitive memory; emotional response; impulse buying intention
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