    摘要:随着社会主义市场经济的发展和改革开放的进一步深入,社区成为社会的重要组成细胞,在加强城市管理、服务市民生活、促进社会进步方面的作用越来越大。20世纪90年代以后,为适应我国社会转型,社区建设逐步成为我国城市行政管理体制改革的需要,以及构建与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的城市社会组织方式的需要。毋庸置疑,以社区组织建设为核心,积极推进社区管理体制的改革势在必行。那么对于民族地区,在其社区发展过程中,社区民主政治建设、社区文化、社区卫生服务、社区治安、社区保障等方面都面临着更多的挑战。因此在新时期,作为文护社会秩序的“稳定器”, 少数民族街道社区亟待建立一种科学化、民主化、法制化、信息化的以人为本的社区管理体制,探寻一条有地域特色的“智能化”社区管理体系,这将对提高居民生活质量、加强社会精神文明建设、推进基层民主以及文护社会稳定有着重要意义。
    关键词: 社区; 社区管理; 民族街道社区   
    Minorities Community Management Mechanism Reseach
    - A Case Study of Urumqi West River Backstreet Community
    Abstract: With the development of the Socialist market economy and Reform and Opening up, the community has become an important cell of the whlole society, and played a more important role in urban community management, citizens life, society progress. Since the 1990 s, in order to adapt to Chinese Social Transformation, community construction has gradually become the need of city administrative management system reform, as well as the construction of socialist.  There is no doubt that we should singn the community organization construction as the core, actively push forward the community management system reform is imperative. As for ethnic minority areas, in the process of its community development, community democratic political construction, community culture, community health services and community security is facing with many serious challenges. Accordingly, in this special period, as a "stabilizer" of maintaining social order, minority community should establish a scientific, democratization, legalization and information of human-oriented community management system. Exploring an "intelligent" community management system, it would be meaningful to improve residents' life quality, to strengthen the social construction, to promot grassroots democracy and to maintain social stability.
    Backstreet taking Urumqi West River Streets Community as an example, analysing the minority community's current situation of democratic political participation, community environment culture and the social security management. In addition, this paper will excavate the deep influence factors of the devolopment of minority communit and analyze problems. After drawing lessons from foreign community management methods, the author will give some reasonable countermeasures and suggestions to improve minority community management.
    Key Words: community;community management;national street community
    目  录
    一、导言    1
    (一) 研究的背景与意义    1
    1、 研究的背影    1
    2、 研究的目的    2
    3、 研究的意义    2
    (二) 相关概念的界定    3
    1、 社区    3
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