    摘要:湿地是地球上开放水域和陆地间的过渡性生态系统,和人类的生存、繁衍、发展密切相关。湿地对地球上的生物物种的生存是非常重要的,具有巨大的社会、经济、环境价值和资源潜力, 享有“地球之肾”和“生命摇篮”的美誉。微山湖湿地拥有丰富的生物资源,是多种动物物种的繁衍栖息地。湿地还可为我们提供理想的休闲旅游场所。然而湿地生态系统极其脆弱,很容易受到自然及人为因素的影响而导致功能严重退化。提高全民生态保护的意识,科学合理地保护以及开发湿地,实现生态环境的良性循环,促进人和自然的友好和谐共处是人类当前最为要紧的任务之一。加强微山湖湿地资源的保护,搞好开发与规划,对保证自然社会的和谐健康发展,实现经济、社会、环境的可持续发展有着很大的实际意义。 针对现在微山湖湿地旅游资源保护和开发的现状,本文着手研究和探讨基于生态安全的湿地旅游资源保护和开发问题。31567
    毕业论文关键词】:湿地   自然与经济  保护与开发 
    The research of lake tourism model and Weishan Lake wetland tourism resources development
    Wetland is a ecological system between land and water,and it is related to human survival , reproduction and development .Wetlands,called “the kidney of tne earth ” and “the cradle of life ”,provide biological species on earth the necessary condition for survival ,which contain great resource potential and the social , economic , environmental function . Weishan Lake wetland with abundant biological resources, is a variety of animal especially rare waterfowl breeding habitat . Wetland can also provide ideal leisure places . However , wetland are easily affected by the natural environment and human factors , and it is a very fragile ecosystem . It is most important to raise people’s awareness of ecological protection , develop and protect scientifically the wetland and maintain a good ecological envioronment between man and nature . It has the inestimable significance for realizing sustainable development of economy , society and environment to strengthen the protection of wetland resources in Weishan Lake and maintain the natural social harmony and healthy development . This paper , considering the current protected and developed status of the Weishan Lake wetland , studies and discusses the problems of protection and development of wetland tourism resources based on ecological security .
    This passage begins with the mode of international tourism development of lakes, and combines with the general situation of Weishan Lake tourism resources development and problems, as well as the case the development of Lake Tourism Resources in China, to explore the Weishan Lake tourism resources development model,and seek the road of the lake tourism development transformation and upgrading.
    KEY  WORDS :
    Wetland ; Nature and economy ; Protection and development
    目   录
    ABSTRACT    2
    KEY  WORDS :    2
    1. 引言    4
    2.国际湖泊旅游开发模式的研究进展    4
    2.1综合旅游开发模式    5
    2.2观光旅游开发模式    5
    2.3度假旅游及休疗养开发模式    5
    2.4探险旅游开发模式    5
    3.微山湖研究区概况与旅游开发现状评析    6
    3.1 微山湖地理位置与概况    6
    3.2 资源条件分析与评价    6
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