    摘  要: 随着经济的加速发展,网络信息时代的到来,国内的企业在快速发展的同时,也面临着日益严峻的竞争,要求企业必须降低经营成本,提高运转效率,具备其他企业所没有的、且无法复制的资源和竞争优势,但是所有企业都不可能拥有足够的资源并在所有的方面做到最优,因此就必须有所取舍,能够聚焦主营业务,集中精力发展优势业务,打造核心优势,人力资源外包理念就在这样的背景下产生。作为一种新的管理理念,人力资源外包在西方已经取得较好的发展,很多企业因此受益,但是在国内并没有得到很好的接受和推广,部分企业虽然接受了外包,但是也只是将企业人力资源管理职能中最简单的部分进行外包,并没有对该理念进行深入研究。与接受外包企业的数目相比,有很多企业都看到了外包的商机,各类招聘网站、人才市场、人力资源公司等纷纷出现,不少国际知名的外包服务商也进驻中国,抢占国内市场,这些国际化的大型机构他们一般规模较大,实力较强,同时有着先进的管理理念和运行模式,经过长时间的发展和积累,他们都已经建立丰富的人才储备库,有着较好的服务质量,因此无论是服务理念还是质量,国内的企业都无法与国际企业相比。33797
    Research on the Improvement Strategy of Human Resource Outsourcing Service in Beijing WQFWU Group
     Abstract:With the acceleration of economic development, the advent of the Internet information age, domestic enterprises in the rapid development, also facing increasingly tough competition, requires companies to reduce operating costs and improve operating efficiency, with other companies that are not, and can not be Copy the resources and competitive advantages, but all businesses can not have enough resources and achieve the best in all respects, and therefore we must make a choice, able to focus on core business and concentrate on business development advantages, build core strength, HRO idea arises in this context. As a new management philosophy, human resources outsourcing in the West has achieved good development, many companies benefit, but in the country has not been well received and promotion, some companies while accepting outsourcing, but also just the business human resource management functions in the easiest part of outsourcing, and no in-depth study of the concept. Compared with the number of accepted outsourcing companies, many companies have seen the opportunities for outsourcing, various job sites, job market, human resource companies have emerged, many internationally renowned outsourcing providers are also stationed in China, to seize the domestic market, These large international organizations they are generally larger, stronger, and with advanced management concepts and operation mode, after a long period of development and accumulation, they have a rich talent pool, have a better quality of service , so whether it is the service concept and quality, domestic enterprises can not be compared with international companies.
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