    摘要:无论是我国发布的《建设工程项目管理规范》,还是《关于培育发展工程总承包公司和工程项目管理企业的指导意见》 ,主要的是对于我国施工单位相关的工程项目管理规划作出了明确规定和要求,对于我国业主单位和项目管理相关单位来说,工程项目管理规划的编制都是一个新鲜的领域,缺少一定的理论基础和实践经验。工程项目管理规划的编制对于我国项目管理企业以及中国建筑行业的发展都具有很重大的意义。 本文通过对于国内外工程项目管理规划的分析和探究, 详细讲述了工程项目管理规划的定义和意义,对工程项目管理规划编制对于工程项目实施的全面性,系统性和综合性的特征。并且,对于工程项目管理规划的编制依据、一般内容以及编制中所使用的工具进行了一定的介绍。 本文重点是以业主的角度对于工程项目管理规划的编制进行了探讨和分析,表达了业主方工程项目管理规划编制过程中所遵循的思路和原则,并对工程项目管理规划编制的主要方法以及内容进行了分析探究。 在工程项目管理理论的基础上,结合本人的实习实践,对于上海梅陇南方商务区项目管理规划进行了一定补充和调整,完成了一个新版本的上海梅陇南方商务区工程项目管理规划的编制,侧重于工程项目管理的编制的流程和方法。 最后,本文对于工程项目管理规划的编制的实际应用进行了分析和评价。 35969
    毕业论文关键词:  工程项目;管理规划;计划;全寿命周期  
    The formation of construction project   management planning
    Abstract: In China, both the Code of Construction Project Management and the Instruction on Cultivating and Developing Corporations of Engineering Procurement Construction and Project Management  mainly make specific regulations and requirements to relevant construction project management planning of construction organization. For the proprietor units and relevant project management companies in our country, the formation of construction project management planning is a part of new field, which lacks some certain theoretical basis and practical experiences. However, this formation counts a lot to the development of projectmanagement companies and the construction industry in China. By analysing and exploring the construction project management planning at home and abroad, this thesis represents the definition and meaning of construction project management planning, also the comprehensiveness, systematicness and integrity of construction project. What's more, it makes a brief introduction to the core of formation and general content of construction project management planning as well as the instruments used in the formation. The thesis emphasizes the discussion and analysis of the formation of construction project management planning in the view of proprietors, expressing the thoughts and principles followed by proprietors in the formation process of construction project management planning, also it analyses and discusses the key methods and content of the formation.   On the basis of theory of construction project management, combined with my practice, this thesis proposes supplements and adjustments to the construction project management planning of southern business district in Meilong of Shanghai, completing a new formation version in Meilong by placing emphasis on the procedures and methods of construction project management formation.
    Keywords: construction project;    management planning;    plan;    entire life cycle
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