    摘  要:新世纪以来,经纪行业作为文化中介的重要组成部分和演出市场流通体系中的重要桥梁和纽带,其发展前景不可限量。明星经纪人成为了联系明星与企业的重要纽带。而随着我国影视娱乐产业中大量资本的流进及行业整合的加速,规范明星经纪行业在管理层面、制度层面存在的问题已迫在眉睫。文章从明星经纪人和明星经纪人管理的概念入手,运用比较研究的方法,对我国明星经纪人管理的现状进行研究,从而分析我国明星经纪人在管理中存在的问题。针对我国明星经纪人管理中存在的问题,提出要调整经纪公司运营模式、加强明星经纪人专业素质建设、完善经纪人教育培训机制、完善我国的明星经纪立法。37052
    Problems and Countermeasures in the Management of Star Broker
    Abstract: Since the new century,the brokerage industry as an important part of cultural mediation and performance an important bridge and link in market circulation system, its development prospects.Star broker contact became the stars and the important link of the enterprise. And with the market a lot of capital flow into the entertainment industry in China and the acceleration of industry consolidation, standardize the star brokerage industry on the problems existing in the management level, system level is imminent.Article from the concept of stars and star broker management, using the method of comparative study, study of the status quo of management of star brokers in China, so as to analyze star brokers on the problems existing in the management of our country.Aiming at the problems existing in the management of star brokers in China, put forward to adjust brokerage operation mode, strengthening the construction of star broker professional quality, perfect agent education training mechanism, perfect our legislation of star broker.
    Key words: Star brokers;Star broker management; Star broker system
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、明星经纪人概述    2
    (一)明星经纪人的内涵    2
    (二)明星经纪人管理的重要意义    3
    二、我国明星经纪人管理的现状    3
    三、我国明星经纪人管理中存在的问题    6
    (一)缺乏有效的竞争机制和科学的管理办法    6
    (二)专业明星经纪人匮乏,专业素质较低    7
    (三)明星经纪人教育培训机制不完善    8
    (四)明星经纪人法制建设落后    8
    四、明星经纪人管理中存在问题的对策分析    9
    (一)调整运营模式    9
    (二)加强明星经纪人专业素质建设    10
    (三)完善经纪人教育培训机制    11
    (四)完善我国的明星经济立法    11
    参考文献    13
    致谢    14
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