     Abstract Akzo Nobel, as the world's leading 500 large industrial coatings company, is the world's largest decorative paint paint company, business throughout Europe and the United States and around the world. Since China established the Akzo Nobel (China) Co., Ltd. will be successful in the implementation of the customer relationship management system, but with the company in the continuous expansion of the scale of China with the market environment changes and customer relationship management company still needs to be improved.
    The Akzo Nobel as a case, the customer relationship management research, first of all, the concept of customer relationship management were systematically. Then in the understanding of inquiry Akzo Nobel customer relationship management achievements and the existing problems of in-depth analysis, summed up to solve problems and to break the status quo, the more perfect the company's customer relationship management. In order to of China large paint manufacturers have a certain referential significance.
    Keywords: customer relationship management; coatings industry; customer loyalty; target customers
    第一章 引言  
           1.1 研究的目的和意义
           1.2 课题研究现状和发展趋势 
    第二章 客户关系管理的基本理论综述
           2.1 客户关系管理的定义
           2.2 客户关系管理的系统功能
           2.3 客户关系管理的管理理念
    第三章 阿克苏诺贝尔客户关系管理实施现状及存在问题分析
           3.1 企业简介
           3.2 阿克苏诺贝尔客户关系管理实施现状分析
              3.2.1 公司大客户管理的现状
              3.2.2 公司现有SAP-CRM技术平台
              3.2.3 企业实施客户关系管理的成果
           3.3 阿克苏诺贝尔客户关系管理存在问题分析
              3.3.1 多种产品的客户管理关系整合
              3.3.2 为客户进行个性化,差异化的服务
              3.3.3 辨别优质客户
              3.3.4 客户关系管理数据更新的及时性
    第四章 阿克苏诺贝尔客户关系管理突破现状与解决问题的措施
    第五章 总结
    第一章    引言
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