    摘  要:当前社会发展阶段,房地产广告正处于快速发展阶段,该行业内公司相对密集,大部分公司的业务集中在某一个特定的区域,至今未出现具有全国性的大公司。虽然国家对于对房地产行业所采取的宏观调控政策逐年收缩,但房地产作为国计民生的拥有重要地位的支柱型产业的代表,国民经济的发展依旧离不开房地产行业的发展。房地产广告是我国广告也投入力度最大的行业之一,根据《现代广告》杂志2012年发布的《中国广告业统计数据报告》,在行业广告投放比例的排行中,房地产行业在近些年一直保持投入资金的第一名,而且保持着持续增长的地位。房地产广告作为广告行业的一个重要的领域,在整个行业里的发展中,发挥着至关重要的责任。在新的历史条件下,该行业发展新的机遇和挑战并存的形势,也出现了新的要求。本文主要基于广告行业以及房地产行业的大的发展背景,对无锡房地产广告的发展的现状、前景等方面进行深入探究。39096
    Survey and Analysis of real estate ads in Wuxi City
    Abstract: The current stage of social development, real estate advertising is in a stage of rapid development, the company within the industry is relatively concentrated, most of the company's business is concentrated in a particular area, has large companies with nationwide occurred. Although the national macro-control policy to shrink year by year for the real estate industry to take, but real estate has an important role as a representative of the national economy and pillar industries, the development of the national economy is still inseparable from the development of real estate industry. Real estate advertising is the advertising industry's largest investment efforts, according to the "Modern Advertising" magazine in 2012 published "China's advertising industry statistics report," the proportion of advertising in the industry ranking, the real estate industry in recent years has been maintained first invested capital, and to maintain a sustained growth status. Real estate advertising as an important area of the advertising industry, in the development of the whole industry, plays a crucial responsibility. Under the new historical conditions, the development of the industry with new opportunities and challenges of the situation, there have been new requirements. This paper is mainly based on the development of the advertising industry as well as the background of large real estate industry, the current situation of the development of Wuxi real estate advertising, and prospects and other aspects of in-depth inquiry.
    Key words: real estate; ads; investigation and analysis
     目  录
    1 前言    1
    1.1 广告与房地产广告    1
    1.1.1 广告    1
    1.1.2 房地产广告    1
    1.2 房地产广告的类型与策略    1
    1.2.1 房地产广告的类型    1
    1.2.2 房地产广告的策略    2
    1.3 房地产广告的作用    3
    1.3.1 房地产广告的沟通产销、刺激需求功能    3
    1.3.2 房地产广告的加速流通、扩大销售功能    3
    1.3.3 房地产广告有利于市场竞争,提高商品质量    3
    1.3.4 为房地产商品带来附加价值    3
    2 研究区概况及研究方法    3
    2.1 研究区概况    3
    2.2 研究方法    4
    3 无锡市房地产广告的问题及原因    4
    3.1 无锡市房地产广告存在的问题    4
    3.1.1 虚假广告泛滥    4
    3.1.2 概念复制问题突出    4
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