    [摘要]:晋中市旅游资源丰富,旅游业整体发展情况乐观。2010年到2014年以来,晋中市旅游收入的增长率经过高潮之后趋于平缓。虽然旅游收入连年增长,但更应该透过现象看问题。晋中市旅游发展也存在一定问题,包括:旅游资源缺乏整体的整合,现状比较零散;旅游产品缺乏深度和广度;旅游市场的开发程度低和管理水平低下。通过分析晋中地区旅游资源开发的现状进行研究,认为具体应从以下三方面进行整合:从挖掘内涵、突出特色、求同存异三方面整合旅游产品;从交通线路、相互合作、形成分区三方面整合旅游线路;从保护权利、保障权益、更好发展三方面整合旅游市场。针对存在的不足提出晋中市旅游业发展的对策。    39000
    Research on the integration and development of tourism in Jinzhong City
         Jinzhong is rich in tourism resources, the rapid development of the tourism industry. In recent years, Jinzhong tourism income is very considerable, tourism revenue growth, but there exists some problems, including: the tourism development of Jinzhong city tourism resources lack the overall integration, status is fragmented and the lack of depth of; tourism products; tourism market development degree is low and the low level of management. Study through the analysis of the status and development of tourism resources in Jinzhong area, that integrate specifically from the following three aspects: from the connotation, highlight the characteristics of three aspects of the integration of tourism products, seek common ground while reserving differences; from the traffic lines, mutual cooperation, the formation of integration of partition three tourist routes; from the protection of the rights, safeguard the rights and interests of the three aspects, the better development of the integration of tourism market. In view of the shortcomings of the proposed measures of the developmentof tourism resources in Jinzhong city.
    Key words:tourismindustry; tourism resources;integrated development; Jinzhong city
    1.引言    1
    1.1背景意义    1
    1.2研究综述    1
    1.3研究区简介    1
    2.晋中市旅游业发展的现状与评价    2
    2.1晋中市旅游业发展现状    2
    2.2晋中市旅游业发展评价    3
    2.2.1景区主题冲突,缺乏合作    4
    2.2.2产品内涵单一,开发程度低    5
    2.2.3旅游相关产业发展不均衡,整体水平较低    5
    2.2.4旅游市场环境秩序有待提高。    5
    2.2.5晋中市旅游资源的知名度较低。    5
    3.晋中市旅游资源整合    5
    3.1旅游产品的开发。    5
    3.2旅游线路的整合。    6
    3.3旅游市场的整合。    7
    4. 晋中市旅游业发展的对策    7
    4.1扩展晋中市旅游知名度    7
    4.2建设更好景区的对策    8
    4.3管理旅游业的对策    8
    5. 结论与讨论    8
    参考文献:    9
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