    Study On The Influence Factors Of SMES’ Transformation and Upgrading In Fengxian District
    Abstract:In retrospect, the development path of SMES in Fengxian District since reform and opening up is actuaelly a history of national economy development, Fengxian District. Over the 30 years, the SMEs in Fengxian District have encountered obvious obstacles after becoming the important component of national economy. Low-end development, extensive pattern of operation and the lack of core competitiveness, SMEs in Fengxian District, actually come to the crucial moment at stake. Especially in the aftermath of the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis and the debt crisis in Europe, the development of SMEs in Fengxian District is more difficult. Confronting the series of challenge, SMEs in Fengxian District could either transform and upgrade into higher level, and realize future development through the transformation and upgrading, or be forced to exit or be eliminated by the market. In this critical moment, study on the transformation and upgrading of SMEs in-depth is of great theoretical and practical significance. Through study of related issues about the transformation and upgrading, to promote SMEs  to change the existing development model, is not only way to achieve the basis for sustainable development for SMEs, but also the way to guarantee achieve development of Fengxian District economic.
    Key words: small and medium-sized enterprises; transformation and upgrading; influence factors
                      目 录
    一、绪论    5
    (一)研究背景和目的    5
    1.研究背景    5
    2.研究目的    5
    (二)国内外研究现状    5
    (三)研究内容和方法    6
    1.研究内容    6
    2.研究方法    7
    二、文献综述    8
    (一)中小企业的界定    8
    (二)转型升级文献回顾    9
    1.转型升级的内涵    9
    2.转型升级的动因    12
    3.转型升级的影响因素    12
    三、奉贤区中小企业概况    14
    (一)发展现状分析    14
    1.数量和规模上有所增长,但总体实力依旧偏弱    14
    2.传统产业占多数,“6+8”产业占比相对不高    15
    3.实业型中小企业占比较低    15
    4.分散经营为主,产业集群效应和块状经济特征不突出    15
    5. 企业利润普遍出现下滑趋势    16
    (二)奉贤区中小企业转型升级的必要性    16
    1.微观层面    16
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