    本文首先对住宅市场现状进行分析,阐述近年来南京住宅市场的发展,再从南京市土地市场、一般商品房的整体、各版块住宅市场和高档别墅市场综合分析,研究结果: 南京市2013年的库存量是-30.2万m2,但是2014年的库存量达到215.4万m2;从各版块来看,除了城东和城中板块的供销基本持平,其他的板块的库存量都是飞速增长的趋势,尤其是江北板块,达到了46.5万m2。研究结论:住宅市场供给远大于需求,去库存压力大;相关房地产政策变化频繁,没有持续性,对住宅市场干涉过多。最后提出了完善房地产政策的相关建议。39154
    With the development of social economy and urbanization speeding up, our country real estate industry has been booming, and led to overheating development momentum, house prices soaring, out of the normal level of residents in our country and economic development, and has given rise to a series of problems.
    From nanjing commodity residential status quo analysis and the existing problems of analysis about the present situation of the housing market, firstly, the development of nanjing housing market in recent years, and from nanjing land market, general commercial housing as a whole, each section in the housing market and high-end villa market comprehensive analysis, the analysis of the present situation of the nanjing housing market, there are two main problems: housing inventory too much; Administrative measures introduced frequently, too much interference on the real estate market. Finally, by comparing other cities at home and abroad the housing market put forward reasonable Suggestions at four o 'clock policy: improve the nanjing government performance appraisal system; Increase the number of affordable housing, economy applicable room; Longer attaches great importance to the real estate policy; Optimization of tax, and financial credit policy control, thus to improve the state of nanjing residential problems, promote the sustainable development of nanjing housing market.
    Key words:Nanjing city; housing market; current situation analysis; policy suggestion
    摘要    2
    Abstract    3
    1  绪论    4
    1.1  研究背景、目的及意义    4
    1.1.1   研究背景    4
    1.1.2  研究目的及意义    4
    1.2  国内外房地产住宅政策的研究概况    4
    1.2.1  国外房地产住宅市场现状及政策研究    4
    1.2.2  国内房地产市场住宅现状及政策研究    4
    1.3  研究内容和方法    5
    1.3.1  研究内容    5
    1.3.2   研究方法    5
    2  南京市商品住宅现状分析与存在的问题    6
    2.1  南京市房地产市场住宅现状分析    6
    2.1.1  社会经济发展概况    6
    2.1.2  南京市土地市场现状    7
    2.1.3  南京市商品住宅市场现状    9
    2.2  南京市住宅市场存在的问题    20
    2.2.1  住宅市场库存量过多    20
    2.2.2  行政手段的频繁出台,对房地产市场干涉过多    21
    3  完善南京市房地产政策的建议    22
    3.1国外发达国家的房地产政策    22
    3.1.1美国的房地产政策    22
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