    With the development of urbanization and industrial modernization, China's land is less and less available resources, and to meet the housing needs of people growing, while ensuring the amount of cultivated land, obtain a high-rise residential land planning department and property developers of all ages . High-rise housing can save land resources, improve land utilization, rich urban spatial morphology. In the increasingly intensive land use requirements of the current reality, high-rise housing will be developed rapidly. And with the high-rise residential consequential rise properties also will get people's attention, to play an increasingly important role.
    Property development and management of high-level social pressure to ease the pressure on the environment, population pressures, and its brought a lot of convenience, but also exposed many problems to be solved for the people's life, after all, as an emerging industry, we also need to to study it, perfect. This paper focuses on senior management in property development problems in research and analysis, and make recommendations on related issues.
    Keywords: High-rise residential,Property management, Property development,Problem,Countermeasure
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    1 引言    1
    1.1选题背景    1
    1.2研究目的与意义    1
    1.2.1研究的目的    1
    1.2.2研究的意义    2
    1.3 国内研究现状    2
    2 物业管理相关概念    2
    2.1物业的含义    2
    2.2物业管理的含义    2
    2.3物业管理的基本内容    3
    2.4高层住宅物业管理的内容    3
    2.5物业管理的模式    4
    2.6高层住宅物业管理的原则    4
    3 我国物业管理的发展状况    5
    3.1物业管理的起源    5
    3.2我国物业管理的发展历程    5
    3.3发展成效    6
    4 我国高层物业开发管理中存在的问题    7
    4.1高层建筑物业管理消防安全工作存在问题    7
    4.2高层住宅电梯的问题    7
    4.3物业收费问题    8
    4.4高层住宅小区停车位存在的问题    8
    5 高层物业开发管理中存在问题的原因    8
    6 高层物业开发管理中的建议及对策    9
    6.1高层建筑物业开发管理中保障消防安全的措施    9
    6.2电梯问题对策与建议    9
    6.3物业费用问题的对策与建议    10
    6.3.1完善物业服务收费双轨制定价方式    10
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