    摘要随着改革开放的深入,具有中国特色的新型城镇化进程不断加快,为适应社会发展要求,尽快建立符合城市管理需要的基层组织, “村改居”工作成为城市化过程中必须解决的迫切问题。 “村改居”社区居民不再依靠土地为生,身份上已经是城市市民,但其自身素质以及文化水平与广大市民之间存在很大差距。虽然他们已经生活在城市社区,又难以完全适应城市社区生活,容易产生各种文化心理问题和社会行为问题。本研究选取厦门市湖里区L 社区居民为研究对象,探讨当前“村改居”社区现状,采取深度访谈的形式,探索他们对新社区生活适应,以期给出合理的对策和建议。本文以社会工作视角为指导,运用文献法和访谈法,对厦门市 L“村改居”社区16 位居民在社区的适应情况深入调查和研究,通过分析得知:居民社区生活不适应明显,社区参与有限;居民因经济优势产生惰性,就业意愿低,普遍的无工作状态与城市就业文明不相适应;居民文化观念滞后,消极应对生活方式转变,城市文化氛围薄弱;居委会的运作未脱离村委会模式,与小区物业公司的工作难以对接,未达到城市社区管理水平,居民自治水平低。基于以上分析,本文通过查阅相关文献资料,结合社区实情,从社会学的角度提出了:搭建社区参与平台,发挥社工的作用;做好就业宣传教育工作,转变居民就业观念;发展社区文化产业,营造城市社区文化氛围;打造三方联动网络,引导社会组织协同社区管理。42033
    毕业论文关键词 村改居 市民化 社区生活适应
    Title Investigation on the adaptation of the new community life of the residentsin the village——Taking L community in Xiamen city as an example
    Abstract Along with the deepening of reform and opening to the outside world, with Chinesecharacteristics of new urbanization continues to accelerate, in order to meet the requirements ofsocial development, as soon as possible with the establishment of the urban management needsof organizations at the grassroots level, "home to the village" has become an urgent problemthat must be solved in the process of urbanization. "Home to the village" community residentsno longer rely on the land for a living, identity is urban citizens, but between its own qualityand cultural level and the general public exist big gap. Although they have been living in thecommunity of city, and it is difficult to fully adapt to the urban community life, easy to produceall kinds of cultural psychological problems and social behavior problems. This study selectedXiamen Huli District, l neighborhood People as the research object, this study discussed thecurrent situation of "village to neighborhood" community, adopted the form of in-depthinterview, explored their adaptation to the new community life, in order to give reasonablecountermeasures and suggestions.The from the angle of social work as a guide, using literature method, interview method, ofXiamen City L "changing villages 16 community residents in the community to in-depthinvestigation and study, through the analysis of that: community life does not adapt to theobvious and community participation Co.; residents because of the economic advantages ofinert, employment will low, generally no working state and city employment civilization doesnot adapt; residents cultural idea lag, negative coping lifestyle changes, urban culture is weak;neighborhood operation not out of the village model, with the residential property company todock, does not meet the urban community management level inhabitant autonomy level is low.Based on the above analysis, through access to relevant literature, combined with the facts ofthe community, from a sociological point of view presents: build a community participation platform, to play a social worker role; do a good job in the employment work of propagandaand education, to change the concept of employment of residents; community culturaldevelopment industry, camp made urban community cultural atmosphere; build tripartitelinkage network, guide social organization and coordination of community management.
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