


    关键词:无锡太湖马山滨水区  景观结构  景观规划  规划对策   

     Mashan waterfront landscape organization and planning research of Wuxi taihu lake


    Status of urban waterfront in urban development should not be underestimated, the Wuxi Mashan waterfront as the research object, from the waters, transition region, land three aspects of landscape elements based description of Mashan waterfront landscape characteristics analysis, and further analysis of the influence and the restriction factors of the Mashan waterfront landscape planning. Then, clear Mashan waterfront landscape planning and construction of short-term and long-term goals, from the landscape spatial structure, landscape node layout, landscape elements of the three dimensions proposed planning countermeasures. One line, three Bays, three areas, landscape spatial structure of multi node, and including plant landscape, landscape architecture, urban transport landscape, humanistic Landscape planning strategies. The purpose is in a comprehensive analysis of the Taihu Lake Mashan waterfront landscape value and cultural connotation, Mashan waterfront landscape in the transformation and upgrade to provide certain reference.

    The paper has 14 pictures,1 table and 15 references.

    Key Words: Wuxi taihu mashan waterfront  Landscape structure  Landscape planning  Planning countermeasures 

    目  录

    摘  要


    目  录



    1 绪论 1

    2 城市滨水区景观相关概念 1

    2.1 城市滨水区景观 1

    2.2 城市滨水区景观构成及要素 2

    3 无锡太湖马山滨水区景观特征分析 3

    3.1 无锡太湖马山滨水区基本概况 3

    3.2 无锡太湖马山滨水区景观现状与特征 4

    3.3 无锡太湖马山滨水区景观建设存在的问题及其成因 9

    3.4 无锡太湖马山滨水区景观建设的影响和制约因素 12

    4 无锡太湖马山滨水区景观组织与规划对策 12

    4.1 无锡太湖马山滨水区规划目标 12

    4.2 无锡太湖马山滨水区规划空间组织与功能分区 13

    4.3 无锡太湖马山滨水区景观规划对策 13

    5 结论 16

    参考文献 18

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