


    Abstract:With the gradual improvement in the global economy and the rapid development of the corporate system, more and more companies recognize the importance of micro-enterprise staff training. Competition among micro-enterprises in the final analysis is the competition of talents between enterprises in order to gain an advantage in competing with industry, we must realize the importance of staff training. Micro-enterprise staff training is to develop not only the development of basic skills, but also focus on employee problem-solving skills and mental state. By analyzing the current situation and problems of the existing micro-enterprises, we proposed to improve employee training measures. With respect to the development of foreign micro-enterprises, the development of micro-enterprises in staff training relatively late, generally only in Beijing, Shanghai are really only exist staff training. Second and third tier cities in the economically underdeveloped, even for relatively large-scale enterprises, the staff training is not perfect, not to mention very small micro-enterprises. But for businesses, staff training is an important means of obtaining its long-term development of micro-enterprises in order to remain invincible in the competition, development and growth must be emphasis on staff training. Staff found the training process problems to find solutions to micro-enterprise strategy is imperative.

    Keywords:Micro-enterprise ; Employee training; Competitive advantage  

    目    录   


    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、微型企业员工培训存在的现状及问题 3

    (一)微型企业员工培训的现状 3

    (二)微型企业员工培训的问题 4

    二、微型企业员工培训问题的原因 6

    (一)外部因素 6

    (二)内部原因 6

    三、解决微型企业员工培训问题的措施 7

    (一)国家加强宏观政策的改善 7

    (二)树立科学的培训理念,重视培训 7

    (三)加强人力资源专员的培养 7

    (四)建立起健全的培训制度 8

    (五)采取灵活多样的培训方式 8


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