


     Marketing strategy analysis of Hengda ice fountain

    Abstract: In recent years, the bottled water industry has been developed rapidly in our country, more and more enterprises got into it. However, in this ferocious competition, many of the enterprises just made the imperfect marketing strategies. Therefore, through the analysis of marketing strategies of the company of Ever grand ice spring, my paper hopes to find out the shortcomings of enterprise development and puts forward the suggestions to solve the problems. So that it can help enterprises to gain the further development. Based on the theory of marketing strategies, this paper will analyze the marketing present situation and environment of the company of Ever Grande ice spring, and it will analyze the organizational market and consumer market from product, price, channel, and sale promotion the four strategies. And according to the study of the relevant marketing strategies and the analysis of the market performance of the company of Ever grand ice spring, it can find out the deficiency of the consumer and organizational market and make improvement. In addition to this, through the study of marketing strategies, it can provide effective reference for other enterprise’s development. 

    Key words: Hengda ice fountain; Marketing; Marketing strategy   

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、恒大冰泉营销现状分析 2

    (一)恒大冰泉简介 2

    (二)恒大冰泉的市场营销策略 3

    二、恒大冰泉营销环境 4

    (一)恒大冰泉外部环境分析 4

    (二)恒大冰泉的内部营销环境环境分析 5

    (三)SWOT分析 6

    三、恒大冰泉营销策略存在的问题及原因分析 7

    (一)恒大冰泉营销策略存在的问题 7

    (二)恒大冰泉营销策略存在的问题原因分析 8

    四、恒大冰泉营销策略的改进 8

    (一)产品策略的改进 8

    (二)价格策略的改进 9

    (三)定位策略的改进 9

    (四)渠道策略的改进 10

    五、对其他企业的启示 10

    (一)对其他企业产品包装的启示 10


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