

    Abstract:Under the background of the current transformation of social governance, as the resources of the local governance, " Fengqiao experience" has important era and the practical significance, focuses on from the source to solve disputes, realize"penny couldn't village, pound is not out of the town", greatly reduce the pressure of justice. Including civil mediation in under the guidance of the theory of "Fengqiao experience", based on practice, the history and reality, on the intersection of subjective and objective mediation pattern innovation and reform, improve the mediation system , vigorously launched the people's power to settle the conflict in situ; Lao Yang mediation center as the carrier of civil mediation, "Fengqiao experience"walking the mass line, serving to the people, responsible to the people, to inherit and carry forward the selfless dedication, bears hardships and stands hard work, fair and fine traditions, created by the legal guarantee of the premise, with nostalgia for the emotional reasoning mode, active in the forefront of the grass-roots disputes in the new period. For the perfection of our country civil mediation pattern, grass-roots public security problem, and is great of enlightenment and value of constructing Chinese harmonious society.

    毕业论文关键词:枫桥经验; 民间调解; 模式 

    Keyword: Fengqiao experience; conciliation; model

    目    录

    一、社会治理转型对调解的要求 1

    (一)一般意义上的民间调解及其价值 2

    (二)作为地方治理资源的“枫桥经验” 2

    二、老杨调解中心------“枫桥经验”下民间调解的载体 3

    (一)调解的核心理念、原则及运行流程 4

    (二)“老杨调解中心”的历史发展 5

    三、“枫桥经验”下民间调解的分析 6

    (一)“老杨工作室”调解成效及成功原因 6

    1、“老杨工作室”调解成效 6

    2、成功原因分析 6

    (二)民间调解的弊端和隐患 8

    1.人才青黄不接:难普及 8

    2.情与法的冲突: 8

    3.缺乏强制力:成为下一次矛盾的诱因 9

    四、促进“枫桥经验”下民间调解运作的对策和优化建议 9


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