
    摘要: 随着体验经济的到来,人们的需求不再仅仅满足于单纯的商品的使用价值,而是进一步演变为对商品购买使用过程中的身心愉悦、社会认同和自我实现等的更高层次的追求。手机app一类的无形产品,主要给用户提供的就是一种体验。发挥为顾客提供“舞台”的作用,真正舞台上表演的是顾客。带给顾客的体验是美好的感觉、永久的记忆和值得回的事物。本课题以用户体验的角度出发,通过对体验剧场模型的深入探究,提出适用于手机APP的新体验剧场模型。并将有道词典在发展中遇到的问题用户黏性不够、产品没有新鲜感、没有精准锁定用户的需求作为研究内容,结合新的体验剧场模型提出强化社交功能、提供多个剧场、推出热门活动剧场、流程闭环等策略。可以进一步提升有道词典的用户体验。46787

    Abstract : With the advent of the experience economy, people's needs are no longer satisfied merely to use the value of a simple commodity, but as a further evolution of the process of buying used merchandise relaxed and social identity and a higher level of self-realization pursuit. Phone app a kind of intangible products, mainly to provide users is an experience. Play to provide customers with "stage" role, a real show on stage is the customer. Bring the customer experience is a good feeling, permanent memory and memorable things. This topic departure angle of the user experience。Through in-depth exploration experience theater model,put forward a new experience theater model for mobile phones of APP. Youdao dictionary and problems encountered by users in the development of viscous enough,the product is not fresh,no precise lock the user’s needs as research,combined with the new experience theater model proposes to strengthen the social functions,providing more than theater,launched popular activities theater,closed loop processes and other strategies.you can further enhance the way dictionary user experience

    毕业论文关键词:有道词典; 客户体验; 体验营销

    Keyword:  youdao dictionary; user experience; Experiential Marketing

    目  录

    1引言 4

    1.1选题背景及意义 4

    1.2研究内容 4

    1.3本文创新点 4

    2客户体验相关概述 4

    2.1 国外客户体验相关概述 4

    2.2 国内客户体验相关概述 6

    3基于传统基于体验剧场模型提出适用于手机APP的体验模型 7

    3.1传统体验剧场模型 7

    3.2体验剧场模型各元素分析 8

    3.2.1剧本 8

    3.2.2剧场 8

    3.2.3表演 8

    3.2.4观众 8

    3.3新体验剧场模型验证 9

    4有道词典手机App现状 11

    4.1有道词典移动客户端结构分析 11

    4.2有道词典移动客户端存在问题 15

    5客户体验优化策略 15

    5.1 观众层面即APP用户,有道词典移动客户端用户群体分析 15

    5.2 表演层面即用户体验,强化社交功能 15

    5.3剧场层面即APP平台 16

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