


     Based on the interests of the islanders to Hainan international tourism of the construction of the island Abstract

    Hainan island, the pace of construction international tourism has not stopped. In the construction and development of also has many problems, in the construction of the islanders will is the most direct experience of. The focus from the interests of the islanders to the category of the construction of international tourism island, in public management, and on the basis of international tourism through the analysis of the basic features of the island to summed up in the construction of islanders interests. In addition, through the damage for the benefit of the islanders, tourism island may not be the public opinion and the construction of the vague position and so on, which invites the solutions of the problems, the use of public management means to solve problems, in order to achieve international tourism island health the effective development.

    Key words: Hainan; International tourism island; Islanders 

     目 录

    0 引言 1

    1 国际旅游岛的相关理论 1

    2 海南建设国际旅游岛的发展历程 3

    2.1 建设背景 3

    2.2 建设条件 4

    2.2.1 区位条件 4

    2.2.2 政策支持 5

    2.3 建设国际旅游岛对海南的意义 6

    3 国际旅游岛的建设与岛民的利益关系 6

    3.1国际旅游岛建设给岛民带来的利益 6

    3.1.1 有利于基础设施建设 7

    3.1.2 政策优惠,离岛免税 7

    3.1.3 吸收有益的外来技术和文化 7

      3.2国际旅游岛建设给岛民带来的困扰 8

    3.2.1 物价上涨 8

    3.2.2 改变原有的生活状态 9

    4 岛民利益受到侵害的原因 9

    4.1 国际旅游岛概念的提出和政策的出台就缺乏民意基础 9

    4.2 政策主导部门对国际旅游岛的定位不明确 9

    4.3 外来人员所带来的“相对剥削感” 10 

    4.4 长期积累的社会问题没有得到解决,使得政府公信力,公共政策公信力下降 10


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