



    毕业论文关键词:海外代购; 安全问题; 网络;监管

    Abstract :Overseas purchasing is not a new word for the new generation. Through overseas purchasing, consumers can buy some goods with a cheaper price without leaving home. Consumers usually choose network platform or acquaintances to do overseas purchasing. The price or monopoly advantages of some goods make overseas purchasing hot. And domestic safety problems of some products, especially the security problems of milk powder have given rise to overseas act as purchasing agency. Overseas act as purchasing agency slowly become a kind of fashion and trends.

    However, this seemingly safe way of shopping hides a lot of problems. Omnipresent advertisements spread in circle of friends in wechat, the credit risk, shoppers searching method to avoid the customs taxes,counterfeit goods. Moreover overseas purchasing behavior itself in a grey zone. For the legitimacy of the industry still remain to be identified. Since 2010’s “departure flight attendant act as purchasing agency”, the argument of overseas purchasing’s legal problems never stops. Government has established a series of new policies for overseas purchasing and laws to deal with real-time changes in the new environment.

    Due to the fast development of the overseas act as purchasing agency in recent years, more stringent regulatory measures are necessary. To develop the industry healthily and constantly, the regulation of every link should be in place.

    Keyword: overseas purchasing; security issues; online;regulation

    目    录

    一、引言 4

    (一)选题背景 4

    (二)研究内容 4

    (三)研究方法 4

    (四)技术路线 5

    二.相关的文献综述 5

    (一)海外代购物兴起原因 5

    (二)海关问件及海外代购法律问题的研究 6

    (三)海外代购消费者维权的研究 7

    三.海外代购的现状 7

    (一)海外代购的机遇 7

    1.海外代购的价格优势 7

    2.海外代购的商品类目优势 7

    3.海外产品的质量优势 8

    4.网络平台的便利性 8


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