

    毕业论文关键词: Lativ诚衣;电子商务;营销策略

    Lativ's e-commerce marketing strategy analysis

    Abstract:With the continuous development of Internet technology, has affected people's consumption patterns, online shopping has penetrated into everyone‘s life of us. This change has brought the reform to the marketing idea and the practice. Traditional marketing strategies need to be innovative. LATIV is a clothing brand from Taiwan founded in 2007, with the Japanese brand UNIQLO‘s cheap fashion for the idea, through the development of online shopping platform. The<Digital Times> magazine held a selection of the top 100 sites in Taiwan area. LATIV was rankings to 28. LATIV become a benchmarking enterprise in the industry. LATIV as the research object of this paper, by analyzing the marketing strategy of LATIV, discusses the LATIV electricity marketing model. Based on the analysis of the marketing strategy and the comprehensive analysis of Market Research, summarized the advantages and disadvantages of LATIV's marketing strategy and suggestions for future improvement, and provide a reference for the marketing strategy for other enterprises.


    目 录

    一、引言 1

    (一) 研究的背景 1

    (二) 研究目的和意义 2

    (三) 研究方法和内容 2

    1、 研究方法 2

    2、 研究内容 3

    二、Lativ的营销环境分析 4

    (一) Lativ营销所处宏观环境分析 4

    1、 政治环境 4

    2、 经济环境 4

    3、 文化环境 5

    4、 技术环境 5

    (二) Lativ所处产业结构分析 5

    1、 潜在新进入者的威胁 5

    2、 竞争者的竞争能力 6

    3、 替代品的威胁 6

    4、 供应商的议价能力 6

    5、 购买者的议价能力 6

    三、LATIV的营销策略分析 8

    (一) LATIV兴起与发展 8

    (二) Lativ的 STP 分析 8

    1、 市场细分 8

    2、 目标市场 10

    3、 市场定位 10

    (三) Lativ的电商之路 11

    (四) 4p理论在Lativ营销策略中的应用分析

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