    摘要随着信息技术的发展壮大,也随着网络经济的快速发展,2013年12月初腾讯和阿里巴巴“烧钱大战”开始,打车软件的用户数量呈现出井喷式的增长,最终成为年度最火的APP。   这些软件具备乘客注册、即时约车、订单完成确认、用车评价等基本功能。48354
    Abstract:With the development of information technology, with the rapid development of network economy, also in early December 2013, tencent and alibaba "money war" began, a taxi software present a spurt of growth, the number of users become the year's APP to the fire. These software have passengers about car registration, instant, order confirmation, the basic function such as vehicle evaluation.
             This topic mainly studies this kind of software by user behavior, to experience travel as a research platform, through the way of questionnaire survey, collecting data (including gender, age, income level, occupation, satisfaction, etc.), random to find out in the questionnaire after five respondents in-depth interviews (a recent experience of taking a taxi in analysis), research platform subsidies and travel distance two factors how to affect the user behavior, combining with the knowledge of marketing, consumer behavior and so on, find a taxi users using the APP platform corresponding characteristics and laws, analysis the good and rapid development of platform business model, for the service provider to provide a reference for advice, make its better grasp user tendency of taking a taxi, on subsidies and trip distance formulate corresponding marketing strategy, improve the efficiency of such a taxi APP and benefits.
    毕业论文关键词:打车APP; 用户行为; 滴滴出行;商业模式;
    Keyword: Taxi APP; User behavior; Didi taxi;business model;
    目    录
    1 引言    4
    1.1 研究背景与意义    4
    1.2 研究内容    4
    1.3 本文的创新点    5
    2 国内外研究现状综述    5
    2.1 关于打车APP平台用户的相关研究    5
    2.2 关于打车APP平台发展模式的相关研究    5
    2.2.1 关于打车APP平台盈利模式的研究    5
    2.2.2 关于打车APP平台的优劣势的研究    6
    2.2.3 关于打车APP平台营销策略及手段的研究    6
    2.3 国内外研究的不足    6
    3 打车APP平台商业模式和用户行为分析    7
    3.1 以滴滴出行为例的商业模式分析    7
    3.1.1 滴滴出行概况简介    7
    3.1.2 产品线    7
    3.1.3 盈利模式    8
    3.2 由本次问卷调查统计结果的数据分析    8
    3.2.1 本次调查的样本情况    8
    3.2.2 用户中的个人信息情况分析    9
    3.2.3 打车APP平台用户行为影响因素分析    11
    3.2.4 打车APP平台的用户体验满意度分析    13
    3.3 深入访谈    15
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