


    The Status Quo, Problems and Countermeasures of the  Xuzhou Municipal Government to Purchase the Home   Care Service for the Social Organization


    Government purchase of home care services has become an important way for China's pension, the government introduced the policy of the government to buy home care services. Taking Xuzhou city government purchase home care service as the object of study, using interviews, literature research method, to study the present situation of Xuzhou City, conducts the research to the problems existing in Xuzhou City, such as: Law and policy is not perfect, the supervision mechanism is not perfect, service volume are single, at the same time, the problems the reason analysis, such as economic level constraints, social cognition exists fuzzy deviation, the role of the government. At last, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures from the aspects of perfecting the relevant laws, perfecting the supervision mechanism and enriching the service contents.

    Key Words: government purchase; home care;  service type government

     目  录

     摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    目  录 III

    一 徐州市政府购买居家养老服务现状 1

    (一)徐州居家养老概况 1

    (二)政府购买居家养老服务的背景 1

    (三)政府购买居家养老的制度安排 2

    二 徐州市政府购买居家养老服务存在的问题 2

    (一)法律政策不健全 3

    (二)监督机制不健全 3

    (三)居家养老服务内容单一 4

    (四)养老服务队伍建设缺乏专业性 4

    (五)政府主导,社会组织被动参与 5

    三 徐州市政府购买居家养老服务存在问题的原因分析 5

    (一)社会认知存在偏差 5

    (二)经济水平的制约 6

    (三)政府角色定位模糊 6

    四 完善徐州市政府购买居家养老服务的对策建议 6

    (一)健全相关法律政策,保障购买程序的公平 6

    (二)完善监督机制,确保购买效果 7

    (三)完善购买服务体系,丰富服务内容和形式 8

    (四)加强养老服务人才队伍建设 8

    (五)明确政府角色,转变政府职能 9


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