

    关键词: 市;新生代农民工;就业

    Investigation and Analysis on the Employment of the New Generation of Migrant Workers in City

    Abstract: is a big city with the output of the rural labor force in Henan Province. Through the situation survey of Zhoukou, the new generation of migrant workers employment and found that the new generation of migrant workers employment in is in the low income situation, unreasonable payments, the lack of labor and social security, employment stability is poor, the lack of employment skills, employment discrimination, the government support is insufficient and problem, put forward aimed at the improvement of City of new generation of migrant workers employment status is proposed, including perfect related system, to enhance the employ ability of people, encourage migrant workers their own businesses, eliminate the unequal treatment, change a career concept, reasonable consumption, in order to promote improvement in the employment situation of the new generation of migrant workers in .

    Key words:City;TheNew Generation of Migrant Workers;Employment

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、 相关研究概述 2

    (一) 新生代农民工的概念 2

    (二) 国内外新生代农民工问题研究概述 3

    二、 市新生代农民工就业现状 4

    (一) 就业情况调查 4

    (二) 失业方面的调查 8

    三、 市新生代农民工就业中出现的问题 10

    (一) 消费占工资收入比例较高 10

    (二) 就业层次低 10

    (三) 就业保障缺失 10

    (四) 就业稳定性差 11

    (五) 不能正确认清自身状况 11

    (六) 就业歧视,城乡差别对待情况仍存在 11

    (七) 政府政策扶植不够 11

    四、 改善市新生代农民工就业的建议 12

    (一) 增强家庭责任感,理性消费 12

    (二) 认真对待工作,培养吃苦耐劳精神 12

    (三) 提升就业能力,提高就业层次 12

    (四) 企业增强责任感,平等对待农民工 13


    (五) 政府加强监管,完善相关法律法规 13

    (六) 建设就业服务平台,鼓励支持自主创业 13

    参考文献 15

    附录 16

    致谢 19


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