


    Discussion on the Problem of Endowment Insurance

     for Urban and Rural Residents

    Abstract: In 2014, the State Council decided to merge the new rural and town dwellers social endowment insurance and established a nationwide unified urban and rural residents social endowment insurance system. However, there existed some problems of system connection transfer and system itself in the implementation of the current urban and rural residents social endowment insurance system .Such as the fragmentation of the institutional arrangements, the linkup of system transfer barrier, inadequate policy propaganda, low levels of security and the difficulty of value-keeping and value-adding of funds and so on .The government departments should continuously improve the urban and rural areas as a whole level, strengthen grass-roots staff training and supervision, increase the propaganda of policy, enhance its security and incentive mechanism and strengthen the management of funds to truly realize a complete coverage of the urban and rural residents social pension insurance.

    Key words: Pension; Urban and Rural Overall planning; Urban and rural residents endowment insurance

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 1

    一、城乡居民养老保险的理论概述 2

    (一)城乡居民养老保险的内涵 2

    (二)城乡居民养老保险的形成 2

    二、城乡居民养老保险实施过程中出现的问题 3

    (一)城乡居民基础养老金差距大 3

    (二)制度的转移连接存在诸多障碍 3

    (三)政策宣传不到位 4

    (四)养老金待遇水平缺乏激励性 4

    (五)基金保值增值形式严峻 5

    三、城乡居民养老保险实施问题的成因分析 5

    (一)城乡居民收入差距大 5

    (二)制度的完善是一个缓慢的过程 5

    (三)基层工作人员能力参差不齐 6

    (四)基金来源渠道单一 6

    (五)基金保值增能力差 7

    四、改善城乡居民养老保险实施的策略 7

    (一)不断缩小城乡居民收入差距 7

    (二)加强基层相关工作人员的培训和监管 7

    (三)加大城乡居民养老保险政策宣传力度 8

    (四)增加财政投入,提高养老金待遇水平 8


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