


    Chinas Rural Labor Employment Question Research

    Abstract:the social environment in China, the rural labor force employment is still a significant social and economic problems.Has been high in recent years, China's population, in the person much less, such as the WTO, under the influence of rural labor surplus is overmuch, but our country agriculture unable to digest such a large rural labor force, only to non-agricultural industries, rural labor transfer to non-agricultural employment, to gradually solve the problem of rural surplus labor force too much.In this paper, on the basis of the rural labor force employment situation in our country, analyzes the present situation of our country rural labor force employment, for our country rural labor force employment largely not optimistic for reasons, and puts forward some solutions and the development direction of China's rural labor force employment in the future.

    Key Words:rural labor force,Non-agricultural employment,The employment transfer,Agricultural industrialization

    目       录


    摘    要: 1

    Abstract: 1

    一、我国农村劳动力非农就业问题研究的必要性 2

    (一)人地矛盾使农业产业对农村劳动力的吸收能力减弱 2

    (二)城市就业压力大 2

    (三)城乡差距大 2

    二、我国农村劳动力非农就业存在的问题 3

    (一)我国农村劳动力非农就业形势较差 3

    (二)我国农村劳动力非农就业环境较差 5

    三、我国农村劳动力非农就业存在问题的原因 6

    (一)内因 6

    (二)外因 7

    四、解决我国农村劳动力非农就业问题的策略 9

    (一)农业产业化加速建设,促进非农就业 9

    (二)加快小城镇,乡镇建设,分销农村剩余劳动力 9

    (三)提升普及文化教育高度,提升农村劳动力素质水平 10

    (四)提升小城市和乡镇企业、公司的薪酬水平 10

    结语 10

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13 

    我国农村劳动力非农就业问题研究 前言


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