


    Abstract  Property management is accompanied by social and economic development and housing system reform and the emergence of new integrated services.Our property management industry after 20 years of development, has thrived.However, the ensuing dispute is the property charges a yearly basis, this paper describes the status of the property management fees, property management fees first by the emergence and development began to analyze the physical management of toll dispute category, and then export the disputes arising from property management fees reason, the last write property management fee disputes countermeasures and suggestions.End of this article to residential property and commercial disputes charges of property charges dispute two representative cases, for example, shows the two charges dispute causes, countermeasures and suggestions.As the property management industry factors, the developer remaining issues, the owners and owners of the Commission does not regulate the operation and other social issues, has led to the generation of property management fee disputes.In this regard we should strengthen the government's regulatory role of property management,property management industry to strengthen self-discipline, standardize the behavior of property management services business operations, improve service quality, the establishment of the owners' committee, give full play to the role of the owners, the developers active on issues left corrections, a really good job of property management services contradictions and disputes mediation to avoid property management services fee disputes arising.

    Keywords: property management;pay dispute;causes;countermeasure

    目  录

    第一章 绪论1         

    1.1 研究的背景1

    1.2 国内外研究现状1

      1.2.1 国外究现状1

      1.2.2 国内究现状3

    1.3 研究的主要内容与方法4

      1.3.1 研究的主要内容4

      1.3.2 研究的主要方法5

    1.4 研究的目的与意义5

      1.4.1 研究的意义5

      1.4.2 研究的目的5

    第二章 物业管理服务费的内涵6

    2.1 物业管理服务费的产生及发展6

      2.1.1 物业管理服务费的产生6

      2.1.2 物业管理服务费的发展7

    2.2 物业管理服务费的构成8

    2.3 物业管理服务费的属性8

    2.4 物业管理服务费的收费方式9

      2.4.1 包干制9

      2.4.2 酬金制9

    第三章 物业管理服务收费纠纷的成因11

    3.1 物业管理收费的现状-11

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