





    Research on compensation-incentive system of medium-sized and small enterprises


    Small and medium-sized enterprises are an important force to promote the economic development of a country, raising the employment rate to increase taxes, create wealth, promote GDP growth and maintain social stability, promote social progress has played an integral role in the process of reform and opening up 30 years of development, however, the small and medium enterprises gradually revealed technology updates slow, low efficiency in the operation of funds, production small scale, the plight of the significant turnover of staff.

    The staff are bearers of communicators and creators of knowledge and technology, the key to help SMEs out of the woods, comprehensive sustainable development. How to effectively inspire employee loyalty, enthusiasm and creativity, how to improve the efficiency in the use of the staff as well as the rational allocation of staff, is the top priority of the sustainable development of SMEs. Incentive pay system as an important part of the vitality human resources management, inspire staff enthusiasm, creativity and increase employee loyalty. 

    After repeated observation and study of the domestic and foreign scholars and professionals, many SMEs compensation incentives also exist importance of material, to ignore the spirit of the staff, ignored groups, there is no long-term incentive system and many other errors. How to solve these problems to help SMEs out of the woods? 

    In recent years, many scholars and professionals from different entry points with a lot of useful researches. This paper, to be combined with incentive theory, the theoretical basis of the remuneration theory, in recent years through research and field visits, the misunderstanding and to analyze the causes of the basic status of SME employees incentive pay. According to the theory of motivation, compensation theory, combined with the characteristics of the SMEs themselves, put forward the corresponding countermeasures and tentative design of incentives for small and medium enterprises pay a comprehensive remuneration system. 

    Keywords:medium-sized and small enterprises;staff;compensation;incentive 


    摘要 I


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