



    Abstract : In recent years, China's network marketing platform has begun to take shape, and the number of online shopping platform has been very impressive, and consumer preference for these network shopping platforms will decide their survival and development.

    In our country, college students become one of the mainstream consumers of online shopping. From three aspects: Online shopping platform type preferences of college students, college students on the platform of their own factors to choose the preference of online shopping and online shopping for different commodities, the platform of choice preference, analysis of various aspects of college students may have the choice of online shopping platform preferences. And through the questionnaire survey, draw conclusion. Based on these, provide some references for the development of China's market oriented enterprises and the existing online shopping platform in the target market analysis.

       Keyword:online shopping platform; preference ;online shopping; college student


    1.引言 - 3 -

    1.1研究背景和问题的提出 - 3 -

    1.1.1研究背景 - 3 -

    1.1.2研究问题的提出 - 4 -

    1.2研究意义 - 4 -

    1.3本文的研究内容和方法 - 5 -

    1.3.1本文的研究内容 - 5 -

    1.3.2本文的研究方法 - 5 -

    1.4本文创新点 - 6 -

    2.文献综述 - 6 -

    2.1网络购物平台综述 - 6 -

    2.1.1网络购物平台的界定 - 6 -

    2.1.2网络购物平台发展现状 - 6 -

    2.1.3现有网络购物平台 - 7 -

    2.2在校大学生网络购物调查分析与研究 - 7 -

    2.3研究存在的问题 - 8 -

    3.在校大学生网购平台的选择偏好理论分析与假设 - 8 -

    3.1 网络购物平台相关概念 - 8 -

    3.2大学生网购平台选择偏好分析与假设 - 9 -

    3.2.1网购平台类型偏好 - 9 -

    3.2.2平台自身因素偏好 - 10 -

    3.2.3购买不同商品的平台选择偏好 - 11 -

    4.大学生网购平台选择偏好调查与实证 - 12 -

    4.1问卷设计与调查 - 12 -

    4.1.1调查方法 - 12 -


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