


    Abstract:Globalization intensifying, and further expand overseas online shopping market, cross-border consumer demand rising, cross-border electric business platform realize global Internet business opportunities, to borrow from the flourishing growth into the price war broke out in the initial period of development shuffle stage, however, in order to circumvent the traditional trade channels, low efficiency, long chain, homogenized competition and price competition and other issues, a number of cross-border groped electric business platform in the most appropriate way of marketing, which use quite successful social marketing also emerge in turn.

    This article mainly through cognitive cross-border electric business platform for the development of the current environment, summarizes the main marketing, social marketing way in many marketing methods, and three dimensions through content, scene, analysis of cross-border electric business platform for the feasibility of the use of social marketing methods and the field, and cross-border electric business platform in the use of social marketing is the most successful case of the little red book in-depth analysis, finally, to sum up put forward innovative advice, help cross-border electric business platform use social marketing way to expand, increase profits, win the market.


    Keyword: Cross-border e-commerce; Community marketing; Content;Scene; Link

     目    录

    1绪论 3

    1.1研究背景与意义 3

    1.2研究方法 4

    1.2.1 文献研究法 4

    1.2.2比较研究法 4

    1.2.3案例研究法 4

    1.3技术路线 5

    2文献综述 6

    2.1有关跨境电商的研究 6

    2.2有关社群化营销的研究 6

    2.3已有研究的总结 7

    3跨境电子商务平台的营销现状 7

    3.1跨境电商平台的发展环境 7

    3.1.1宏观发展情况 7

    3.1.2主要问题及现状 8

    3.1.3主要政策导向 8

    3.2跨境电商平台的主要营销方式 8

    3.2.1现有消费模式的特点 9

    3.2.2营销渠道与营销方式 9

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