


    Marketing Channels Of Small Package Flour- A Case Study Of Fu Xin Flour

    Abstract: With the deepening of China's market economy development and improvement of people's living standards in our country and specialty products enterprises has gradually become a part of people living in a home, whether it is to go out to travel or business reception, specialty products enterprises in our lives occupy the important significance. As one of the nowadays life consumption of the rigid demand, specialty business began to become the main direction of the many business people, which also led to the specialty industries and enterprises competition pressure increased sharply. How to stand out in a large number of competitors, to occupy the initiative, to become a common problem faced by the industry in our country. At present, the specialty of China enterprise still stays in the stage of previous self-employed business, mostly because the specialty enterprise family enterprise, leading to blind, low-end situation occurs in the specialty of the enterprise management. The blessing of the new flour, for example, use a combination of the modern marketing theory, 4C marketing, to talk about the 4C theory in the specialty of enterprise marketing channel of the and of blessing the new specialty companies currently operating problems proposed own advice or opinion.

    KeyWords: Small Package Flour;Channel marketing;Fu Xin flour


    引  言 1

    一、 绪论 2

    (一)研究的背景和意义 2

    1.研究背景 2

    2. 研究的意义 2

    (二)国内外研究现状 2

    二、 营销策略及渠道营销的概况 4

    (一)营销策略的分析方法 4

    (二)渠道营销的特点 5

    (三)渠道营销的内容 5

    (四)渠道营销的必要性 6

    三、福新面粉渠道营销的实践 8

    (一) 福新面粉简介 8

    (二)福新面粉营销策略现状 8

    1.市场细分与市场定位 8

    2.目标客户群体分析 9

    3.基于顾客选择的成本分析 9

    4.基于便利性的分析 9


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