


    An empirical study on the factors influencing the legislation of information construction in Shanghai

    Abstract: Based on the local field research in Shanghai. By using factor analysis method, the factors that affect the legislation of Shanghai informatization construction are studied. By taking the information law of Shanghai as the object of study. Discussion on the present situation, significance, guiding ideology and basic principles of information legislation from the point of view of informatization , clear research motivation, purpose and significance, to develop a reasonable research process. Through the collection of literature, the investigation of the factors that affect the development of information law in Shanghai, and then use the Li Kete five point scale design survey to collect data, using statistical software spss20.0 to analyze the factors that affect the information legislation in Shanghai, So as to find out the important influence factors of the information construction in Shanghai, and puts forward some relevant suggestions on the important factors, so that it has a positive academic significance, research on the development of Shanghai information law has a certain help.

    Keywords:Shanghai Informationization; Information Law; Influencing Factors; Empirical Study

    目  录

    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究动机 1

    (二)研究目的与意义 1

    (三)研究流程 2

    二、文献探讨 4

    (一)信息化法律介绍 4

    1、信息化法律体系介绍 4

    2、信息化立法的历程与现状 4

    3、信息化立法的意义 5

    4、上海信息化立法的原则 5

    5、国外信息化立法的启示 6

    (二) 探讨影响上海信息化建设立法的因素 7

    1、从政治方面来探讨影响上海信息化立法的因素 7

    2、从经济方面探讨影响上海信息化建设立法的因素 8

    3、从社会层面来探讨影响上海信息化建设立法的因素 9

    4、从技术,科技层面来探讨影响上海信息化建设立法的因素 10

    5、研究重点 11

    三、研究设计与研究方法 12

    (一)研究方法介绍 12

    (二)研究内容及对象 12


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