    随着中国金融市场的全面开放,银行业的市场竞争日趋激烈,各家商业银行都意识到客户资源的重要性,纷纷树立“以客户为中心”的经营发展战略。很多商业银行在完成数据集中后开始进行客户关系管理系统的开发和应用。    本文具有以下创新点:(l)文章结合商业银行的发展现状和业务流程,探讨研究客户关系管理系统的建设方案和设计思路,具有一定的实践意义;(2)文章结合理论研究与实例分析提出商业银行客户关系管理系统成功实施的关键因素,对于其他商业银行行客户关系管理建设方面具有一定的借鉴作用和参考价值。9005
    关键词  商业银行;客户关系管理系统;规划与设计
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title Planning and design of the customer relationship management system of commercial banks
    Abstract With the full liberalization of Chinese financial markets, the competition among banks become more and more fiece, commercial banks
    turn to be  aware of the importance of customer resources and have to establish a "customer-centric" business development strategy. Many of the commercial banks are engaged in the business of the development and application of customer relationship management system after the completion of the data centralization.
           There are several obvious innovationsin the article: (l) it has explored the buiding program and design ideas of the customer relationship management system combing the current  development of the commercial banks with business processes, therefore it has a certain practical significance; (2)with the
    combination of theoretical research and case analysis it introduces of the key factors for the successful implementation of customer relationship management system of commercial banks,thus having reference value in the terms of customer relationship  management for the other commercial banks.
    Keywords  Commercial bank;Customer Relationship Management System;Planning and Design
     目  录
    1 引言        1
    1.1 研究背景和研究意义         1
    1.1.1我国商业银行的市场竞争 1
    1.1.2 商业银行建立CRM的必要性        3
    1.1.3 CRM研究意义 4
    1.2 国内外发展现状   5
    1.3 本论文整体框架   10
    2 商业银行CRM系统规划与设计的相关理论和方法10
    2.1 CRM概述10
    2.1.1CRM的基本构架 12
    2.1.2CRM的业务流程重组       13
       2.2 CRM系统规划的理论与方法    14
       2.3 CRM系统设计的理论与方法    15
    2.3.1 CRM系统体系结构       15
    2.3.2  数据模型设计  16
    3建行常州分行CRM系统规划与系统分析         17
        3.1. 建行常州分行概况17
        3.2 建行常州分行客户关系管理现状         18
    3.3  现有的业务流程分析        18
    3.4  资源约束条件与总体构架    19
    4. 建行常州分行CRM系统设计         20
    4.1建行常州分行CRM的业务流程优化      20
    4.2建行常州分行CRM功能设计  20
    4.4建行常州分行CRM系统集成关系设计    24
    5 结论与展望    25
    5.1 结论        25
    5.2 展望        25
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