毕业论文关键词 非营利组织 社区治理 社区服务
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Research on Effects of Non-Profit Organization in Community Management ---- Take HL Community in Nanjing for Example
With the rapid development of non-profit organizations and the need of building harmonious communities,community non-profit organizations play an increasingly great role in China’s community construction.
Considering the practical situation in China,this paper takes HL community in Nanjing for example to introduce that,non-profit organizations,as an important social force independent of government,play a significant part in making up the shortage of government recourses,coordinating the relation between government and citizens,promoting the innovation in government and community’s management system,expanding service function of community and many other fields. However,because of imperfect laws,poor organizational capability and capital shortage in the community construction of Chinese non-profit organizations and in order to help non-profit organizations develop healthily in China,according to the successful experience from abroad,this paper puts forward some measures in community constructing,including perfecting relevant laws,keeping the independence of non-profit organizations,building supervision system and so on.
Keywords Non-profit Organization Community Governance Community Services
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究综述 2
1.3 非营利组织概念界定 5
1.4 研究思路及方法 5
2 相关理论 6
2.1 治理理论 6
2.2 非营利组织在社区治理中的角色 7
2.2.1 非营利组织特点 7
2.2.2 非营利组织角色 9
3 非营利组织在南京市社区治理中的作用——HL社区的实践 10
3.1 HL社区及社区非营利组织基本情况 10
3.1.1 南京市社区非营利性组织概况 11
3.1.2 HL社区及社区非营利组织基本情况 12