    摘要:我国已进入老龄化快速发展阶段,据统计,截至2012年年底,全国65岁以上老人已达1.94亿,比上年增长891万,占总人口的14.3%,超出国际上衡量一个国家是否步入老龄社会7%标准1.87个百分点。这其中,空巢老人家庭占了49.7%,大中城市甚至达到56.1%。在空巢老人家庭里,约有三分之一为独居老人,这一数据每年还在递增。人到老年以后体力必然衰减,面临的问题本来就多,独居老人无人照料,遇到突发重病或发生意外,连个传递信息的人都没有,其危险性更大。近年国内就出现过多起独居老人离世多日才被发现的事件。本论文通过对上海市徐汇区华泾镇老人独居的成因、独居老人的生存现状进行实际调查,分析目前独居老人养老存在的主要问题,总结出值得上海市徐汇区华泾镇独居老人养老借鉴的经验,为上海市徐汇区华泾镇独居老人提出几种适合的养老护理的对策。关键词:  华泾镇;独居老人;生存现状;养老护理9282
    The old people live alone the endowment and perfect nursing problem countermeasures
    --Shanghai xuhui district huajing town for example
    Abstract: China has entered the aging fast development stages, according to statistics, by November 2011, the whole country 65 years old man has reached 194 million, 14.3% of the population, beyond measure a country's international whether into aging society standard 1.87% 7%. Among them, the "old man family accounted for 49.7% of the large and medium cities and even reached 56.1%. The old man in the empty nest family, about a third for old people who live alone, the data is increasing every year. After into old physical inevitable attenuation, are faced with the problem was much, no one was looking after the old man lives alone, meet sudden serious illness or accident, even a transfer information is there, and the risk bigger, in recent years, domestic appear too much from the old man lives alone on many days of events had been found. This article through to Shanghai xuhui district (China alone, the cause, the old man living alone in the old man living situation investigation, and analyses the old people who live alone endowment, the main problems of summary of Shanghai xuhui district (China town is old people who live alone endowment experiences, for Shanghai xuhui district (China town of old people who live alone brings forward several countermeasures for pension care.
    Keywords: Huajing town ; The old man lives alone; Living situation; Endowment nursing
    一、绪论    5
    (一) 研究背景    5
    (二) 研究意义    6
    1、现实意义    6
    2、理论意义    6
    二、课题的研究现状和发展趋势    6
    (一) 课题的研究现状    6
    1、 国外研究现状    7
    2、 国内研究现状    7
    (二) 课题的发展趋势    8
    三、基本理论    8
    (一)马斯诺需求层次理论    8
    1、生理上的需求    8
    2、安全上的需求    9
    3、感情上的需求    9
    4、尊重的需求    9
    5、自我实现的需要    10
    (二)老年贫困理论    10
    四、上海城市社区独居老人养老护理状况调查    11
    (一) 调查对象    11
    (二) 调查方法    11
    1、 问卷调查    11
    2、 个案访谈    12
    (三) 上海社区独居老人养老护理存在的问题    12
    1、宏观层面    13
    2、 微观层面    14
    五、上海市独居老人养老护理的完善意见    18
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