    摘要:随着社会的多元化发展,社会的群体构造、服务提供     、伦理价值以及社会整合的方式这些阶段亦呈现多元化、的趋势,在急剧变化的社会转型期出现了社会志愿者这一新的社会群体。在志愿者形成至今对于志愿者的研究与讨论不断,但是其中鲜见有对社会志愿者价值认同和自我实现相结合之作。本论文认为要回归志愿者本身来探讨志愿者的价值认同和自我实现来看待当前的志愿参与。本文以个案访谈的方法、质性研究的分析方法,讨论社会志愿者价值认同和自我实现的形式与层次以及遇到的困境。本文通过对真爱梦想公益基金会志愿者的调查与经验总结,结合深入的追踪访问等形式来探讨社会志愿者的价值认同与自我实现。本文通过理论与实地研究相结合,根据相关的调查提出相应的对策和方法,从而能够更加深入地研究志愿者的社会脉络和周边相关的社会现象。关键词:社会志愿者;志愿参与;价值认同;自我实现; 志愿者激励10364
    The social volunteers recognized the value of Self-Actualization Research :Shanghai Cherished Dream Fund, for example
    Abstract:With the persification of social development, social groups structure, service delivery, ethical values and social integration of the way these phases are also persified, the trend in the rapidly changing social transformation emerged this new social community volunteers groups. Volunteers formed so far in the research and discussion for volunteers constantly, but one rarely has the value of social identity and self-realization volunteers combine to make. This paper argues that to return to volunteer themselves to explore the value of volunteer recognition and self-realization to look at the current voluntary participation. In this paper, case interview methods, qualitative research methods of analysis, discussion and recognition of the value of social volunteer form and level of self-realization, and the difficulties encountered. Based on the Cherished Dream Foundation volunteers investigation and experience, combined with in-depth tracking access to explore other forms of social recognition of the value of volunteers and self-realization. In this paper, the combination of theory and field studies, according to the relevant survey put forward corresponding countermeasures and methods, enabling more in-depth study of the social context and surrounding volunteer related social phenomena.
    Key words: Community volunteers;Volunteered;Value recognition ;Self-realization; Volunteer Motivation
    目  录
    (一)价值认同 6
    (二)自我实现 6
    (三)研究方法 7
    (一) 基金会的理念综合  8
    (二)基金会的公益产品  9
    (三)志愿者参与的境像   10
    (一)感性认同与从属层次 11
    (二)理性认同与支配层次 12
    (三)混合认同与实践层次 13
    (一)高度认同-特定领域-专属期望 15
    (二)低度认同-非特定领域-从属期望 16
    (三)价值认同与自我实现的困境 17
    七、个体表达与群体归属:社会志愿者价值认同与自我实现的困境 20
    (一) 个体公民意识表达与志愿者参与 20
    (二) 群体归属与志愿者集体意识形成 20
    (三) 价值认同与自我实现的困境 21
    (一) 志愿者活动系 23
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