
    The paper design principles are as follows: (1) In order to enable employees of raw daily life can easily position the sewage treatment plant in the treatment zone should seek a reasonable and living areas should be separated as far apart; (2) treatment structures Press Process flow arrangement at the same time, should make full use of the terrain; (3) the distance between the structure and the structure should satisfy the laying of pipes, as well as when to meet the maintenance, personnel and vehicles to enter; (4) Since the presence of accidents and treatment plants maintenance, so beyond the pipeline is essential to the existence of the process; (5) the sludge treatment area will produce odor, blower room will generate noise, their position should be reasonable arrangement to avoid or reduce the impact on surrounding residents. (6) provided on the outside of each structure safe passage to facilitate the staff view, meet the needs of goods transportation and daily operations management.
    Key words: SBR craft;sanitary sewage;mud
    目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 设计任务    1
    1.2 采用的设计标准    1
    2处理工艺选择    2
    2.1 工艺对比分析    2
    2.1.1 A/O法    2
    2.1.2 A/A/O法    2
    2.1.3 AB法    2
    2.1.4 SBR法    3
    2.2 工艺流程说明    3
    3主要工艺说明    5
    3.1 格栅    5
    3.2 污水提升泵房    6
    3.3 沉砂池    6
    3.4 配水井    7
    3.5 SBR反应池    8
    3.6 滗水器    10
    3.7 接触消毒池    10
    3.8 污泥浓缩池    11
    3.9 污泥脱水机房    12
    4总体布置    13
    4.1 平面布置    13
    4.1.1 污水处理厂平面布的原则    13
    4.1.2 污水处理厂的平面布置    14
    4.2 高程布置    14
    4.2.1 污水厂高程的布置原则    14
    4.2.2 污水处理厂高程布置    15
    5劳动定员及其附属构筑物    16
    5.1 劳动定员    16
    5.2 附属构筑物    16
    5.2.1 门卫    16
    5.2.2 办公大楼    16
    5.2.3 机修间    17
    5.2.4 配电间    17
    5.2.5 鼓风机房    17
    5.2.6 宿舍    17
    5.2.7 食堂    17
    6主要设备    18
    6.1 污水提升泵    18
    6.2 鼓风机    18
    6.3 曝气器    18
    7工程经济其技术经济分析    19
    7.1 土建工程概预算    19
    7.2 设备报价    20
    7.3 其他费用    20
    7.4运行成本费用    21
    8环境保护、消防和职业安全卫生    23
    8.1 环境保护    23
    8.2 消防    23
    8.3 职业安全卫生    23
    9设计计算书    25
    9.1 格栅    25
    9.1.1 设计参数    25
    9.1.2 中格栅    25
    9.1.3 泵后细格栅    27
    9.2 污水提升泵房    29
    9.2.1 设计说明    29
    9.2.2 设计选型    29
    9.3 曝气沉砂池    30
    9.3.1设计参数    30
    9.3.2 设计计算    30
    9.4 配水井    32
    9.4.1设计说明    32
    9.4.2 设计计算    32
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