Title Preparation of Sr-Ti-O solid catalyst
Abstract In this paper, the two methods are compared for the preparation of perovskite type strontium titanate。 The activity of the prepared samples was obtained by catalytic degradation of methylene blue according to the samples prepared。 At the same time, the material structure and composition of the prepared samples were detected by XRD and infrared spectroscopy。 Results shows that two methods of preparation of strontium titanate catalytic activity, material structure and composition of the material are not much different。 We also explored the best preparation conditions of each preparation method, as a result, the amount of each substance involved in the reaction was the time to the product。 The relative crystallinity of the product and the product had an effect on the catalytic activity of methylene blue。
Keywords Perovskite; strontium titanate; material structure; methylene blue
1绪论 1
1。1光催化剂的研究背景 1
1。2钛酸锶光催化剂的研究现状 2
1。3钛酸锶光催化剂的制备现状 2
2仪器及试剂 5
2。1仪器 5
2。2试剂 5
2。3主要分析仪器 5
2。3。1 X射线衍射仪(XRD) 5
2。3。2傅里叶红外光谱仪(FT—IR) 6
3 实验部分 7
3。1 SrTiO3光催化剂的制备实验一 7
3。1。1 采用溶胶—凝胶法制备SrTiO3的几个影响因素 7
3。2 SrTiO3光催化剂的制备实验二 7
3。2。1酒石酸的影响 8
3。2。2 去离子水用量的影响 9
3。3 SrTiO3催化活性实验 9
3。3。1亚甲基蓝标准曲线的测定 9
3。3。2 测定SrTiO3催化活性 11
4 实验结果 12
4。1 实验一制备SrTiO3的各影响因素、催化活性及其表征 12
4。1。1冰醋酸 12
4。1。2水 12
4。1。3 无水乙醇 13
4。1。4 甘油 14
4。1。5 pH值 15
4。1。6 温度 15
4。1。7 实验一最佳方法的催化活性测定