The design of the 20,000 tons of green lubricants plant

Abstract: The design of the content is on the green 20,000 tons of lubricants to reconcile the design of the plant。 Mainly the use of synthetic esters instead of the traditional mineral oil as a base oil for lubricants, in order to achieve the green oil。 This design includes the concept of green lubricants and the need to develop green lubricants, lubricating oil blending principle, lubricating oil component material balance, energy balance, equipment selection design, process design and workshop layout design , And use CAD software to complete the flow chart and layout plans。 The main ingredients of this design are synthetic ester base oil neopentyl polyol ester, thiophosphate octyl zinc salt (T202) (antioxidant), sulfur monochloride chloride derivatives (T305) (extreme pressure antiwear agent (T603) (viscosity index improver), pour point depressant (T808), lubricating oil anti-emulsifier (T1001), wherein neopentyl polyol ester is Base oil, the rest as additives。 Production with 5000L, 5000L, 2000L, 2000L stainless steel blending kettle to reconcile。 The use of water cycle heating, the maximum possible green。

Lubricant base oil can be composed of three categories, which are mineral base oil, synthetic base oil and bio-base oil。 In China's refineries, lubricating oil to reconcile the process is pided into two kinds of ways to reconcile the tank to reconcile the pipeline, different lubricating oil to reconcile the way have different characteristics and use。

With the development of industrial lubricants towards long life, energy saving and environmental protection, new requirements for the oxidation resistance, oxidation stability, viscosity index and volatility of lubricating oil are put forward。 At present, the demand for high-quality lubricants for machinery and equipment, automobile manufacturing and iron and steel industry is not achieved by the traditional way of separating the lubricating base oil directly from the traditional way。 Therefore, it is necessary to realize the production of lubricating oil。 In order to achieve the production of high-quality lubricants, lubricants manufacturers generally based on the specific nature of the lubricating oil products, select one or more lubricating base oil, adding a variety of additives, in a certain harmonic device after a certain degree of reconciliation Process for processing, resulting in qualified lubricants products - to reconcile the oil。 Although the lubricating oil in the reconciliation process for the physical reconciliation process, there is no chemical reaction, but in order to better the reality of high-quality lubricants requirements, lubricating oil reconciliation process is also in the process of continuous improvement。

Lubricant tank can be reconciled with the process will need to be reconciled base oil, additives, etc。 according to a certain proportion of reconciliation, respectively, into the reconciliation tank, under the action of the pump cycle, after electric stirring, etc。, will be reconciled in the tank Base oil and additives are evenly mixed into blending oil。 Lubricant piping reconciliation is mainly the use of automated instruments to control the flow of each harmonic components, the need to reconcile the base oil and additives such as oil and other components in accordance with a certain percentage into the main pipe and pipe mixer to make it fully uniform Mixed, reconciled, and finally formed to meet the requirements of the harmonic oil; In addition, you can

The use of advanced component analyzer to monitor the quality of the oil to ensure that the pipeline in the base oil and additives mixed evenly to achieve the purpose of automatic reconciliation。

The blending of the lubricating oil is carried out in most cases in a reaction system in which the liquid and the liquid dissolve each other。 A variety of liquids dissolve each other, and in the blending kettle mix evenly, and then add a series of additives so that the smooth and smooth occurrence。 In special cases there are liquid and liquid systems that do not dissolve each other。 They do not form homogeneous but form a dispersed phase after mixing。 In the case of uniform mixing of the liquid phase and the liquid phase, there are three kinds of diffusion modes which play a role in the presence of molecular diffusion in the space inside the molecule, which causes the continuous transmission of the substance through the relative movement of the molecules, Mixed with each other evenly。 In the space of the vortex there is a vortex diffusion, in the presence of mechanical energy exists in the case there will be high-speed fluid and speed fluid, the fluid at the interface of these two fluids by high-speed fluid and low-speed fluid at the same time, will produce a strong The role of the shear formed by the vortex, triggering material transfer。 There is also a convection and diffusion of the main body, in a wide range of the existence of the diffusion effect, triggering material transfer phenomenon, making all the material to a uniform state。
















