    摘要:学教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,旨在对幼儿科学素养进行早期培养。然而,我国幼儿园科学教育的研究起步较晚。在考察幼儿园科学教育实践的现状时不难发现,在科学教育理论与具体的教育实践活动中仍然存在许多问题,为提高幼儿园科学教育的质量,必须从思想上提高认识,更新教育观念,改善教育方法。陶行知的“生活教育理论”是生长于我国传统文化中的一枝花朵。这种理论不是僵死不变的, 它是能动的活的生命体。陶行知的“生活教育理论”之所以具有旺盛的生命力,因为它植根于教育实践, 既来源于教育实践,又指导教育实践,创造性地把这些理论和经验融入他的教育理论和实践中, 对于今天我们的教育理论和实践研究具有借鉴意义。20051
    Based on The Theory Of Tao's Life Education, Kindergarten Science Education activities
    - In Zhoukou city A kindergarten, for example
    Abstract: Science education is an important part of basic education, aims to early training of children's scientific literacy. However, preschool science education research starts late in our country. In examining the status quo of preschool science education practice is not hard to find, in the scientific education theory and the specific education still exist many problems in practice, to improve the quality of preschool science education, must raise awareness on thought, renewal education idea, improve the education methods. Tao Xingzhi's “life education theory "is a flower of growth in China's traditional culture. This theory is not dead, it is move of living organisms. Tao xingzhi's “life education theory "is a strong vitality, because it is rooted in the education practice, both from the education practice, and guide education practice, creatively the theory and experience into his education theory and practice, for today's education theory and practice research.
    Key words:The life education theory; The kindergarten education science; enlightenment
    目    录

    摘 要    1
    Abstract    2
    一、幼儿园科学教育活动开展的调查结果分析    3
    (一)科学教育活动目标    3
    (二)科学教育活动内容    4
    (三)科学教育活动场所    4
    (四)科学教育活动组织实施    4
    (五)科学教教育活动评价    5
    二、陶行知生活教育理论的基本思想    5
    (一)生活即教育    5
    (二)社会即学校    6
    (三)教学做合一    6
    三、“生活教育理论”对改善幼儿园科学教育的启示    7
    (一)“生活即教育”园科学教育的启示    7
    (二)“社会即学校”对幼儿园科学教育的启示    11
    (三)“教学做合一”对幼儿园科学教育的启示    13
    参考文献    14
    附录一    15
    附录二    16
    致  谢    17
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