Abstract:In recent years, with the development of society and social revolution, great changes have taken place, which unavoidably bring some negative effect to primary and middle school students' psychological situations。 What's more, because of deficiencies or lack of setback education, primary school students are more easily to fall in unbalanced psychological situations such as being nervous, being easily worried and so on。 Thus this paper will explore the main setbacks primary students face from the perspective of the definition of "setback education", then according to the main reasons, this paper will give several solutions to this education pattern。 Besides, this thesis will construct setback education for primary school students on the basic of the former research, which will be helpful to change the simple form of thinking of binary opposition and to explore the old research paradigm。 As a result, setbacks will become the resources of happiness education and in the complete life framework of students, it will let education return to the happiness of learners' study life。 Meanwhile, this research will offer a new perspective and material for basic education research。
Keywords: primary school students, setback education, happiness,strategy
目 录
1 前言3
2 概念界定5
2。1 挫折的内涵5
2。2 挫折教育的内涵5
3 小学生面临挫折的主要关联因素6
3。1 家庭因素6
3。2 学校因素7
3。3 交往因素8
4 加强中小学生挫折教育的途径9
4。1 加强国家与政府引导,提供有利的社会环境9
4。2 学校要加强中小学生挫折教育9
4。3 家庭要加强中小学生挫折教育10
1 前言
近些年社会的快速发展,尤其是社会变革的加剧而带来的变化和冲击,不可避免地将对中小学生心理状况产生一些消极影响。例如离婚率不断增高,高考升学压力,学生分数排位,以及留守儿童和外地务工子女的增加等,导致中小学生压力增大。然而,由于中小学生在挫折教育方面的不足,甚至是缺失,更加使其陷入紧张、焦虑、担忧等心理不平衡状态,对其心理健康产生消极影响。据某网站报,山西一个12岁的女孩,由于一次考试不理想而跳楼自杀,类似事件近年来更是屡见不鲜,让听者心疼。因此,在中小学加强挫折教育不仅非常重要而且非常迫切。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766