    The Analysis and Suggestions of Teachers’s Interventior Behavior’s in  Large-class Game Activities
    Abstract: Teachers’ appropriate intervention in the process of children's games is conducive to enhance the function of the game.And the suitable intervention in the game, first of all, must be at the proper time. Therefore, in the process of children's games, seizing the opportunity to intervene accurately becomes the key link of the whole process of involvement in the game.This research mainly adopted observation method. And, the opportunity, pattern, method and result of the teachers’ intervention in the top class of J kindergarten in Luyi County were observed. This paper puts game activities of the children in the top class in a kindergarten as the center, describes and analyzes the basic situation of the behavior of teachers' involvement in children's play, and found some problems, such as, the teachers’ involvement in improper time, the vertical intervention-the main way in teachers' intervention mode, the absence of encourage and guidance in the teacher intervention methods and so on. The author makes suggestions in many aspects, namely, mastering right opportunity to intervene, adopting appropriate way to intervene, improving the quality of preschool teachers and so on.
    Keywords: Large-class Game; teachers' intervention; intervention behaviors
    目  录

    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    一、游戏活动和教师介入行为概述    2
    (一)游戏活动界定    2
    (二)游戏中教师介入行为的概述    2
    二、大班游戏活动中教师介入行为存在问题及成因分析    3
    (一)教师介入时机不当    3
    (二)教师介入方式多以垂直式介入为主    3
    (三)教师介入方法缺少鼓励和引导    4
    (四)教师介入效果不好    5
    三、改善大班教师游戏活动介入行为的建议    5
    (一)把握适当的介入时机    5
    (二)教师介入方式的适宜化    6
    (三)选择适当的介入方法    6
    (四)提高幼儿教师素质    7
    参考文献    8
    附录    9
    致谢    10
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