    The Status analysis of middle class children’s afternoon nap problem-   —taking J Kindergarten in ZhouKou City as an example
    Abstract: <<Teaching Guideline for Preschool Education (Trial)>> points out that: “Kindergarten should put the work of protecting the lives of children and the promotion of child health education in the first place.” Plenty of sleep can not only mediate the physiological function of children, but also important for young children's healthy growth. Let children form a good habit of afternoon nap in the kindergarten, which plays an important role in children's physical and mental health. After the observation of middle class children in J kindergarten in Zhoukou, and the conversation of teachers and children’s parents, we found some existing problems about their afternoon nap. For instance: Some children don't adapt to nap in campus; Some has bad sleep habits when napping; Different children have different sleep duration etc. After analysis of kindergarten environment, children’s own characteristics, teachers’ management and children’s parents’ awareness, we can come up with below solutions: Teachers should enforce the management of afternoon nap; Kindergarten environment should be decorated properly; Parents improve the awareness of afternoon nap. Through the joint effort and improvement of kindergarten, teachers, children’s parents, improve the quality of children's afternoon nap further.
    Keywords: middle class children’s; afternoon nap problem; status analysis
    目  录

    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、幼儿午睡的定义及重要性    2
    (一)幼儿午睡的定义    2
    (二)幼儿午睡的重要性    2
    二、幼儿午睡存在的问题分析    3
    (一)幼儿入睡时间长短不一    3
    (二)幼儿睡姿不正确    4
    (三)部分幼儿不适应园内午睡生活    5
    (四)幼儿午睡时伴随不良的睡眠习惯    5
    (五)幼儿教师午睡环节工作不到位    6
    三、幼儿午睡问题产生的原因    7
    (一)幼儿教师方面    8
    (二)幼儿园方面    8
    (三)家庭方面    9
    (四)幼儿自身方面    9
    四、解决幼儿午睡问题的建议    9
       (一)幼儿教师切实做好午睡环节工作加强管理    10
       (二)幼儿园建立合理的管理制度及环境布置得当    10
       (三)家园相互配合,共同提高幼儿午睡质量    11
    参考文献    12
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