    The Research Report of the Infant Eating Habit
    In the JiXiang Kindergarten
    Abstract: This paper makes investigation and research towards the current situation of the JiXiang all kindergarten infant diet by using questionnaire survey method and observation method. As we all know the infant is in a transitional stage in the kindergarten. The results show that there is a big problem in dietary habits. This paper introduces the status of the kindergarten children's dietary habits in the following aspects, such as, the situation of positioning table and preparation, the situation of quantitative diet and control of partial eclipse picky eaters, the situation of dietary health and dining manners, and the mood in the mealtime.From the  respects of parents , teachers , peers and their own factors analsis the formation of bad eating habits of children in the second shift in the kindergarten . We must cultivate good habits in the childhood, because it is a critical period of growth and development of children. Developing children’s good eating habits need the efforts of parents and teachers .There are many methods of cultivating good eating habits in the paper from the angle of parents and teachers.
    Keywords: Infant; Eating Habits; Developing
    目  录
    摘要    1
    Abstract.    1
    一、饮食习惯的概念及内容    2
    二、吉祥幼儿园中班幼儿饮食习惯的现状    2
    (一)定位进餐及餐前准备情况    3
    (二)饮食定量及控制零食情况    3
    (三)偏食、挑食情况    3
    (四)饮食卫生和就餐礼貌情况    4
    (五)进餐情绪    4
    三、吉祥幼儿园中班幼儿存在的不良饮食习惯    4
    四、吉祥幼儿园中班幼儿不良饮食习惯形成的原因    5
    (一)外部环境因素    5
    (二)自身因素    6
    五、培养幼儿良好饮食习惯的建议    6
    (一)从家长的角度出发    6
    (二)从教师的角度出发    7
    参考文献    9
    附录Ⅰ    10
    附录Ⅱ    12
    致谢    13
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