
    摘要近年来,大学生的应对方式随着时代的快速变化正发生着改变,且应对方式对于心理健康的影响也越来越重要。本研究采用应对方式问卷以及症状自评量表(SCL-90),对江苏师范大学260名大学生进行问卷调查,探讨应对方式的特点及其与心理健康的关系并进行比较和分析。 结果表明:1、大学生应对方式在性别方面,在幻想、求助这两个维度存在显著性差异,其他维度均不存在显著性差异;在专业方面,工科生比文科生更多采取自责的应对方式且效果显著,其他维度不存在显著差异;在年级方面,大二和大三的学生在解决问题维度存在显著性差异;在生源地方面,南北方的大学生在求助维度和合理化维度存在显著差异,生长在北方的大学生明显比生长在南方的大学生更愿意采取求助的应对,应对方式更具有合理化。2、应对方式与大学生心理健康存在很大相关性,且应对方式对心理健康有一定的预测性。42653

    毕业论文关键词:应对方式  心理健康  大学生

     College students' coping style and mental health relations related research


    In recent years, with the coping styles of college students is the rapid change of the era of changing, and the way to deal with the impact of mental health is becoming more and more important. This research adopts the coping styles questionnaire and symptom self-assessment scale (SCL - 90), the questionnaire survey to 260 college students in jiangsu normal university, discusses the characteristics of coping styles and its relationship with mental health and comparison and analysis. The results showed that: 1, college students' coping styles in terms of gender, in fantasy, to help these two dimensions exist significant differences, other dimensions are there is no significant difference; In terms of professional engineering seniors more than the school of arts living self-blame coping ways and the effect is remarkable, other dimensions do not exist significant difference; In terms of grade, the sophomore and the junior students in problem solving dimension exists significant difference; In terms of students, the north and south of college students in significant differences for help dimension and rationalization of dimension, the growth of college students in the north than in the south of college students are more willing to take the response for help, approach is more reasonable. 2, coping styles and there is a big correlation, college students' mental health and coping style on mental health has a certain predictability.

    Key Words: coping style  Mental health  College students'

    目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 2

    目录 3

    1 引言 4

    2 研究设计 5

    2.1 研究对象 5

    2.2 研究工具 6

    2.3 研究方法 6

    3 研究结果 6

       3.1 应对方试多重比较以及应对方式与性别、专业性质、年级的关系 6

       3.2 心理症状多重比较 10

       3.3 应对方式与心理症状的关系 10

    3.3.1  应对方式与心理症状的相关 10

    3.3.2  应对方式对心理症状各因子回归分析 10

           3.3.3  应对方式对心理症状的预测

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