    [毕业论文关键词]:大学生; 家庭教养方式; 心理弹性; 学业拖延  
    Objective: The article is aimed to discuss the relationship among parenting styles, resilience, and academic procrastination, as to provide theoretical basis for parents and education officials, help families and schools to do a good job of college students' education.
    Methods: using the parents teaching evaluation scale (EMBU), the resilience scale, as well as General Procrastination Scale (GPS) as research tools to investigate 297 students of Guangdong University of Finance.
    1、There are differences in gender of parenting styles, girls are more likely to feel the love of parents.
    2、Gender differences of university students' ability to adapt, overall speaking, boys than girls,
    3、The parents' care and understanding in the family education is the key to college students improve their resilience.
    4、 In parenting styles, excessive protection of father, caring and understanding of mother can help college students to slow delay phenomenon.
    5、Resilience and delay has certain positive correlation, high resilience of students to properly handle delay, improve their resilience.
        Conclusion: By improving the parenting styles, can improve the college student's resilience and slow its academic procrastination.
    [Key words]: college students;  parenting styles;  resilience;  academic procrastination
    目    录
    摘    要   Ⅰ
    Abstract   Ⅱ
    1.前    言 1
    1.1概念界定  1
    1.2国内外的研究背景  2
    1.3问题的提出与假设  4
    2.研究方法 5
    2.1被试  5
    2.2工  具  5
    2.3研究程序  6
    3.结果分析  7
    3.1家庭教养方式、心理弹性和学业拖延的性别差异比较  7
    3.2家庭教养方式与心理弹性  8
    3.3 家庭教养方式与学业拖延 9
    3.4心理弹性与学业拖延 9
    4.讨   论 9
    5.结   论 12
    6.本研究的不足  13
    参考文献  14
    致    谢  15
    附    录  16
    1.    前 言
    目前,关于家庭教养方式尚有多种表述,比如“父母教养方式”“抚养方式”“养育方式”等。对于家庭教养方式,本研究认为家庭教养方式是指受到家庭氛围影响,与父母相关,是父母在养育子女的长期过程中形成习惯的一种行为表现。家庭教养方式对子女的影响是长期而有效的,它能影响个体日常的人际交际方式,同时也影响家庭内部的人际关系。大量的研究表明,家庭教养方式对个体身体的发展、心理的发展、人格的发展以及社会的发展均具有重要的作用 [1,2]。
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